(B&T) 37 Complete Suppliers Bushings and Tubes - New: July. 2, 2023

(B&T) 37 Complete Suppliers Bushings and Tubes - New: July. 2, 2023

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Reviews 4.40 star(s) 5 reviews

PDF is fine but a Spreadsheet file would be so much easier to work with. Any chance someone can send that to me? ;
Tons of work and great information. Just wish it was sortrable, took the time to print out vs having to scroll thru 200+ pages to find the supplier and kit information.
Would agree with the comment RE: availability as an Excel file; but have to give this two thumbs up.
This is a great resource. The only thing that could make it better would to be able to download it as an .XLS file, so I wouldn't have to wade through the hundreds of pen kits I can only drool over.
Incredibly comprehensive
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