UV Wood Finish

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Dec 24, 2017
I keep seeing videos of this product, don't know if it's new or not, but I hadn't heard of this particular product. It's very pricey at $124 for a quart. They do have a sample kit you can buy but even that is $75.00. I'm sticking with CA, but this might be a reasonable substitute for those that cannot use CA due to allergies or what have you. If it has a short shelf life that price would be another problem. Anyways just putting it out there if anyone is interested.


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Interesting. Berea makes a UV Resin especially formulated for pens. I tried it for casting snakeskins and had trouble with bubbles the one and only time I tried it. I wonder if it would work as a finish. I watched a video of a guy using it to fill a ring he inlayed. He filled the void and sanded and polished just like any other resin. I'll have to give it a try even though I'm happy with the CA finish. I have used 3D resin to fill engraving with no issues so this might give me ideas for unexpected issues. Thank you for posting.
My wife has used the UV finishes in her jewelry making. I was surprised to find she could sand a surface to what I would call a "fine scratch coat", then applied the single part UV resin/finish and UV light. The surface was smooth, flat, shiny and made the hazy surface it was applied to crystal clear.
I think most UV resins are not marketed as a wood finish though, like this one is. They even claim it can be sprayed on so it must be significantly thinner.
Check out the Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) website. He did a pretty thorough review. I've tried several of his recommendations and he's always spot on. I met him once at one of the old "Woodworking Shows". He's a top notch guy.
Yes, his is one of the videos I had seen.
I am intrigued by the pool cue finish they offer. Of course the UV like source they sell is hundreds of dollars and they warn against trying to use another off-the-shelf curing light which might be too overpowering considering their UV product only puts out 1-3 milliwatts of light output while the generic UV lights I see on Amazon are in the double digit watts.

Anyone know how to tone down the output of a cheap UV light source for pen sized projects rather than pay nearly $300 for a monster UV wand? Just keep it farther away from the piece being cured? Are they overstating the concern?
I am intrigued by the pool cue finish they offer. Of course the UV like source they sell is hundreds of dollars and they warn against trying to use another off-the-shelf curing light which might be too overpowering considering their UV product only puts out 1-3 milliwatts of light output while the generic UV lights I see on Amazon are in the double digit watts.

Anyone know how to tone down the output of a cheap UV light source for pen sized projects rather than pay nearly $300 for a monster UV wand? Just keep it farther away from the piece being cured? Are they overstating the concern?
I thought the only important thing for UV was using a source with the correct wavelength. Their products are just too darn expensive at least for me.
I thought the only important thing for UV was using a source with the correct wavelength. Their products are just too darn expensive at least for me.
According to the comments in this video, there may not actually be an issue with using a generic light source. Just got to play around with the set up, I guess. It's probably best not to get a light source that advertises high intensity though. Just to be safe.
Anyone know how to tone down the output of a cheap UV light source for pen sized projects rather than pay nearly $300 for a monster UV wand? Just keep it farther away from the piece being cured? Are they overstating the concern?

Increase the distance. Double the recommended distance is a quarter the energy hitting the pen.
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