My First Apollo

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Jun 9, 2017
Columbus, Nebraska, USA
Greetings from Nebraska.

Well since the year is almost over I decided I had better finish the the Apollo rollerball that I have been working on. It is stainless steel and has a Turnt Pen Company blank called Arizona Abalone. It is a little longer than I had planned and I had planned to make the cap and body seamless aka the same diameter, but I got a little too zealous when I was turning the body and I was afraid to turn the cap down that much - thought it might get too thin and fragile - so there is a lip between the cap and body that I hadn't planned on -- I don't think it detracts from the pen any though, I just didn't plan on it. There was one pinhole void in the body that I had to fill with GluBoost, but other than that everything went pretty smoothly.

The blank has some areas that are a little translucent and really shows a nice shimmery depth, but unfortunately it just doesn't show in the pictures very well. Even though I prefer a clip because I carry my pens in my shirt pocket, I think this one might be my newest favorite. I'm going to have to practice adding clips I guess.

After finally getting one of these made, I am now anxious for Kate to get more kits in stock. It has also made me think about pouring some long blanks of my own so the next one can even have more of a personal touch.

Best Regards,
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Gorgeous, just a beautiful pen. All of these I have made I made with a lip like yours. I like the look. I believe to make them the same size you'd have a step on the other end. I think they look like they are underturned that way. If I'm wrong on that feel free to correct me.
Dave you knocked it out of the park!! I personally love the size difference between the cap and body. It looks intensional and very well proportioned

And on the note of length, the beauty of this kit is that you can always go back and part more off if you're not happy with it

really well done!
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