My First Ceboplast Pen

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Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
I bought some vintage blanks from Dave Bledsoe (dbledsoe). There were some Ceboplast blanks in the mix.
This one is called "Celebration" and turned out really well. I chose an Executive kit because the tubes are nice & long to show off the blank,

The Ceboplast is very sensitive to heat - I had to drill very carefully, as well as squaring the blank on the sanding jig. I like how it polished up.

I will likely save the remaining blanks I bought until I get more into Kitless pens.

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Thanks for looking.
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Nicely done Kevin! I have a few slabs of the stuff I use once in a while. It melts when you cut it also. Very sensitive but looks great when done.
I have been saving some of this stock I bought from Richard Greenwald prior to his going out of business, as I have been afraid of wrecking it when turning - but seeing your beautiful pen, I think I need to rethink saving it. Nice match with the kit too!
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