Another Segmented Cigar

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Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
I had high hopes for this pen, then I had a blowout in a weird place - the white veneer separator. You can see it pretty clearly. Also, a couple of the scallop "V"s don't line up well. I like the color combination of black & grey. It's inspired by a pen Ken (KenB259) made several years ago.

I will be making another.

It's a Cigar pen from Exotic Blanks, Antique Silver plating.

Anyway, here it is.

004.JPG 005.JPG 007.JPG 006.JPG
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It still came out quite well. I love the reserved colors on this, especially with the antique silver hardware.

Old credit/debit/gift cards are an easy source.
Thanks Todd - I was hinting that Mark James also included some Polystyrene Sheet stock in his segmenting materials he gave me. I just opted to try white veneer, which I will not do again. I like the plastic dividers, provided you use the right glue to hold everything together.
Thanks Todd - I was hinting that Mark James also included some Polystyrene Sheet stock in his segmenting materials he gave me. I just opted to try white veneer, which I will not do again. I like the plastic dividers, provided you use the right glue to hold everything together.
I suppose the polystyrene won't pick up dust or have color bleed from the other woods, so that's a big factor.
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