1st pen that isn't a slimline

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Rob H

Jul 22, 2023
Naches, WA.
Finally felt brave enough to try something other than a slimline. Artisan Patriot kit. Someday I will try an expensive kit.

Patriot kit.jpg
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Finally felt brave enough to try something other than a slimline. Artisan Patriot kit. Someday I will try an expensive kit.

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Very nice combination of blank and kit, well done! I find that single tube kits like this one, are simple to make. The grain continuation for instance, of a slimline kit needs more attention. Slimline kits are probably a bit cheaper to buy and most of the times they would be offered with a mandrel as part of a set. The pen assembly is also more straight forward and all that make it a good choice for a new penturner.
IMO if you can make a slimline you can turn any pen kit. Bare in mind that high end pen kits are more difficult to mess with during assembly ( most likely good quality bushings, mechanisms, more concentric components etc.), so nothing to be afraid of.
I will agree with the two responses above. Slimlines , IMHO, aren't necessarily for beginners. That's what I started with. I started with those because they were cheap. I felt that if I had to trash one it wouldn't break the bank. As far as being easier to turn, that can be debated. Although most of the pens I turn have a degree of swell as so do my slimlines. It's rare that I see a slimline with straight barrels that match the hardware. To me that's an accomplishment in itself. On the other hand the slimline is a fun kit to play with. You can modify it several different ways. Don Ward has demonstrated that several different times. He's also the one that has inspired me to branch out and try new techniques in pen making. Once you've mastered matching the blank to the bushings with smooth lines in between you should be able to turn most any kit. If you do happen to mess up you can just buy new tubes and the kit isn't a bust.
Very Nice - perfect fit between the blank and the kit parts. Ditto on what everyone else has already said, I started out with Slimline kits, but really stopped making them after I moved on. So far my top most favorites are the Cigar style and the postable rollerballs like the Caballero and Diamond Knurl Rollerball from Ed at Exotic Blanks. Although I do like some of the single tube 10.5mm style kits like the Zen too. When I do make a Slimline kit I replace the center band with one made for Comfort pens as it is a little larger diameter. - Dave
Well done. Looks good to me.

I started back, after a 25 year layoff, with slimline kits because I think they are harder to match up and honed my skills. They sell the best for me, otherwise I wouldn't make them anymore because I think they are a bit of a pain.
Thanks guys, I am just getting started and have spent so much damn money I can't see buying anything but slimline kits for a while. I did buy some cheap resin and gave that a whirl and am pretty happy with the first blank and how it turned out. Maybe if I can make my own blanks it will get a little less costly. Bah who am I kidding now watching casting videos i saw 3D printed blanks (damn it) of course I want one.
Nothing wrong with slimline kits. Woodcraft still sells them with platinum finish last time I checked. A bit more expensive but worth it. That finish will not come off like some others. Looks great too. Actually, it's rhodium, a metal in the same family and pricier than platinum. It's a nice step up from the slimline pens with an inferior finish. Rhodium finish is hard to come by these days because of the high price of that metal.

Nothing wrong with slimline kits. Woodcraft still sells them with platinum finish last time I checked. A bit more expensive but worth it. That finish will not come off like some others. Looks great too. Actually, it's rhodium, a metal in the same family and pricier than platinum. It's a nice step up from the slimline pens with an inferior finish. Rhodium finish is hard to come by these days because of the high price of that metal.
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That is a decent price, thank you
You're welcome Rob. The only slimline pens I will make are the platinum series or the titanium platings. Both are much more durable and better quality.
You're welcome Rob. The only slimline pens I will make are the platinum series or the titanium platings. Both are much more durable and better quality.
I found the Nexus kit from Crooked Mill and like the fatter center band. I will get a couple of the ones you posted. I really want to make a Southwest Mesa twist but haven't purchased one yet, waiting for a good blank for it.
Rob, if you have iPhone or iPad I highly recommend you get the BushNTubes app from IAP. It provides tons of information and links to various vendors. Also, take advantage of the library section of this website. It contains all the information and various techniques you will need for pen making from beginner to advanced.
Also, the members here are happy to help.
As for the Southwest Mesa, I'd go with a colored laminated ply blank from Penn State Industries. They even have one called Southwest. Featuring Southwest design and colors.

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Rob, if you have iPhone or iPad I highly recommend you get the BushNTubes app from IAP. It provides tons of information and links to various vendors. Also, take advantage of the library section of this website. It contains all the information and various techniques you will need for pen making from beginner to advanced.
Also, the members here are happy to help.
As for the Southwest Mesa, I'd go with a colored laminated ply blank from Penn State Industries. They even have one called Southwest. Featuring Southwest design and colors.

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I have android and have the IAP app loaded and poked around in it, guess I need to explore it more. That is a cool blank. I'm staying away from wood for a while because I really suck at CA finishing even after watching a lot of videos and the fumes were starting to bother me. I need to get a respirator but for now I'm enjoying working with the cast blanks and started making my own. I did do a couple wood blanks a few days ago and couldn't believe how easy it was to turn compared to cast blanks. The first ones I turned were made from leftover oak hardwood flooring pieces I had from doing my kitchen floor. Since I was just starting and didn't want to buy blanks in case I didn't like it. And now I just learned about polymer clay OMG how many damn ways are there to make pens and spend money =) but it has me excited to try it all.
I have android and have the IAP app loaded and poked around in it, guess I need to explore it more. That is a cool blank. I'm staying away from wood for a while because I really suck at CA finishing even after watching a lot of videos and the fumes were starting to bother me. I need to get a respirator but for now I'm enjoying working with the cast blanks and started making my own. I did do a couple wood blanks a few days ago and couldn't believe how easy it was to turn compared to cast blanks. The first ones I turned were made from leftover oak hardwood flooring pieces I had from doing my kitchen floor. Since I was just starting and didn't want to buy blanks in case I didn't like it. And now I just learned about polymer clay OMG how many damn ways are there to make pens and spend money =) but it has me excited to try it all.
Hey Rob. Slow down ! I can tell that you caught the bug and you got it bad.
I am not great at CA finishing also. But that's academic. The acrylics I turn feel like plastic because they are plastic and that's ok. I don't care for CA finish for wood. I've only done a few with CA. Yes it's very durable and high gloss. The downside to me is that the wood feels like it's plastic and it doesn't develop a patina. In my opinion, wood should look and feel natural, like fine furniture. That's my opinion for what it's worth. Others swear by the CA finish. They are not wrong, just a difference in opinion. Alternate finishes for wood are lacquer, friction polish or oils. Go slow. As you progress you will find what works best for you.
Hey Rob. Slow down ! I can tell that you caught the bug and you got it bad.
I am not great at CA finishing also. But that's academic. The acrylics I turn feel like plastic because they are plastic and that's ok. I don't care for CA finish for wood. I've only done a few with CA. Yes it's very durable and high gloss. The downside to me is that the wood feels like it's plastic and it doesn't develop a patina. In my opinion, wood should look and feel natural, like fine furniture. That's my opinion for what it's worth. Others swear by the CA finish. They are not wrong, just a difference in opinion. Alternate finishes for wood are lacquer, friction polish or oils. Go slow. As you progress you will find what works best for you.
Yes I seem to have went nuts with pens. I never really had a creative hobby before so it's all new. I think what I like the most is the many different ways there are to make pens. I never knew that pen turning/making was even something people did. All of the pens I see here are fantastic. The people who do it are also very friendly and helpful sharing their experience and tips.
My biggest obsession in a hobby is knife collecting. I have over 400 folders and about 50 fixed blades. I've cut back on collecting and pen making both as the economy is in the toilet.
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