Let's look at a definition here: a bullet is a projectile that is fired in a rifle or handgun, travels down the barrel and exits at the muzzle. I cringe when I see a report of a criminal have bullets. A bullet is one component of a loaded cartridge which consists of the cartridge case, primer, powder and bullet. Bullets by themselves are just another animate object. The New York Times ran an editorial about the popular AR rifles and showed a photo of shotgun shells1 Duh!
They won't let a cartridge pen in a school but allow baseball bats, ballpoint pens or #2 pencils? Hello? My observation of airport security is of a low opinion. I traveled to CA from GA. I had a wood box with a gas infra red burner in it. The security guy took the tubular venturi and said it could be used as a weapon. He didn't take into consideration that would entail removing about a dozen screws. Then he picked up on the word "gas" like the burner had gas in it. Did anyone buy a gas or electric range that came with those? Read where security took knitting needles from an elderly lady. guess she looked like a dangerous person?