Tiny Snowman

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Apr 30, 2022
Spokane, WA

Depression sucks. Girlfriend and I got Covid pretty bad right after I was laid off from work in October. Coupled with not getting the job I thought would and some other stuff, my motivation to touch woodworking just hasn't been there. Plenty of interest and pushing myself to finish multiple projects from October, but even standing in front of the lathe couldn't spark the desire to turn.

Finally got out tonight to work on my sister's late birthday gift and ended up just chucking some scrap maple to make a tiny snowman. Sharpied the hat black.

I might make a second one to make a set of earrings for the girlfriend. Don't know yet.

Trying to start up again slowly.
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I made a bunch of pens like that 1 year, only yours are smaller. I also did Christmas trees. I used the credit card pen. Sadly no pictures.

When I get down, and trust me I have many reasons to be, I think about all the other people who have it worse than me, and how they would gladly switch places with me. Plus everything is temporary. When they said they didn't know if I'd walk again and sent me to live in a nursing home at 29 years old with 2 small kids at home I was devastated. When they told me I had cancer at 23 years old with 2 babies at home I was quite depressed. I was really low when my wife had real bad preclampsia with our 1st baby at 20 weeks gestation, possibly losing 1 or both when I was 20 years old, then losing my house and filing bankruptcy from the medical bills of having a 1 pound baby spend 6 months in the NICU. Just hang in there and know that all of this you are going through is temporary. It helps to talk to someone. I found it easier to talk to people online, that I would never meet in person. You can pm me anytime if you need to. Depression is no joke.
I've dealt with depression for most of my life, so I know this is just a downswing and eventually it will change, just hard to see the sunrise when you're buried in a hole.
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Depression sucks. Girlfriend and I got Covid pretty bad right after I was laid off from work in October. Coupled with not getting the job I thought would and some other stuff, my motivation to touch woodworking just hasn't been there. Plenty of interest and pushing myself to finish multiple projects from October, but even standing in front of the lathe couldn't spark the desire to turn.

Finally got out tonight to work on my sister's late birthday gift and ended up just chucking some scrap maple to make a tiny snowman. Sharpied the hat black.

I might make a second one to make a set of earrings for the girlfriend. Don't know yet.

Trying to start up again slowly.
You are doing the right thing by first stepping into your workshop. Keep going in there and the urge to turn will return. Hang in there.
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