Nut bowl

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Nov 11, 2022
SE Wisconsin
When I was a kid, we had a nut bowl that my mom took out and kept on the coffee table during Thanksgiving. It was a very basic bowl made of a darker wood, and we always looked forward to cracking open some nuts around that time of year. Many years later, that bowl mysteriously disappeared. It has been out of sight and out of mind. Recently, she had reminisced about that bowl. I still remember its design, being so simple. I had a nice 10" maple slab, and decided to remake it. Mom likes maple, so I didn't think the lighter wood would matter much to her, and in fact, I think she would like it over the darker wood of the old one. So, keeping it simple, the way the old one was, this is what I made for her:



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My mom and I were just talking about this last night - her mom had one in the kitchen always filled. She's not sure which of her siblings ended up with it. It inspired me to make one for her for Christmas. It's on deck for later this week.
I showed it to my spouse. Like others, it brings back memories of our youth. She reminded me that every holiday season the grocery stores used to have a big bin of mixed nuts so everyone could fill those. We have not seen that in years. :-(
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