My 8th pen, and my first segmented blank

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Mar 5, 2022
Thanks to all of the advice that I have read here and received about constructing a segmented blank I am extremely happy to say that I turned my 8th pen today after trying my hand at segmenting.

I wanted to make something elegant for an attorney friend so I had to go big or go home but also since this was my first time segmenting I opted to keep it relatively simple and go for elegant over extravagant.

The blank is exhibition grade spalted tamarind with aluminum and gaboon ebony.


The final product I am extremely happy with. In fact I am a little in shock that I was able to make something that looks this nice (at least to me, and hopefully my friend).

Wall Street II in black titanium/platinum.



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8'th pen!!! o_O. Looks like my 200'th. Very well done. You nailed some easy elements, but ones many miss:
The segments are precise.
The rings are the same size.
The rings are spaced evenly.
The elements are complimentary to each other.
Your finish is superb.
Each of these steps are elusive for newbies, so after only 7 previous pens you got them all together... My hat is off to you.
Be proud! 👏 👏 👏
I still have my 8th pen. It's in a shoebox where hopefully no one will ever see it. 😬

Your pen is really superb. Drilling 4 layers of aluminum without a glue failure shows more patience than I usually have. Well done!
Very nice! What did you use for the aluminum? I want to try something like that when things slow down next month.
Thank you for the compliment!

The aluminum I picked up at my local Ace hardware but it is K&S, a brand that is carried at hobby lobby, home depot, and Amazon. It was 0.016 if I remember correctly.
Very, very nice. Did you make the pen stand too?



Yes, that was my first pen stand. I blatantly robbed the design from something that I saw in the stand forum here on IAP. I had a nice piece of zebra wood and the white is...whatever crappy lumber comes from the box stores. Birch, maybe?

I kind of tossed it together expecting it to be something that I would throw away as a learning experience but it actually turned out pretty nice so I am keeping it.
8'th pen!!! o_O. Looks like my 200'th. Very well done. You nailed some easy elements, but ones many miss:
The segments are precise.
The rings are the same size.
The rings are spaced evenly.
The elements are complimentary to each other.
Your finish is superb.
Each of these steps are elusive for newbies, so after only 7 previous pens you got them all together... My hat is off to you.
Be proud! 👏 👏 👏

Thank you so much!

I was blessed (cursed?) with an abundance of obsessive compulsive disorder which actually serves me well in situations like this so yeah, I measured everything multiple times to make sure it was symmetrical, made sure to mark the spalted blank so that I was sure to put them together in the proper order, etc.

Honestly, I owe this success to the wealth of information found here on IAP. I read *a lot* before I ever picked up a skew. I also watched about 50 hours of youtube videos :p.

So, thank you all for filling the space in the internet with a wealth of information!
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