Not really showing off a pen....

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Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
Last week I was kind of excited when I played with different color pen tubes (Black and White), which played significant roles in how the resin I poured looked in the finished pen. (Thread Here) The white tube (as expected) reflected light back through the resin, enhancing the colors of the resin I poured.

So I decided to experiment further on the blanks from that pour. I sliced a blank into strips, and used them to create a segmented blank with a band of Padauk - I used white vulcanized paper beneath the resin to reflect light - Of course, I also painted the tubs white.


Unfortunately, my segmenting was not as good as it needed to be, and I had a blowup. The sections on the ends of the cap segment (the shorter blank) are too close to the edge, and one section split as I was assembling the pen - I could not humpty dumpty it back together as good as new - so this pen is an addition to my reject pile.

But... I really liked how the light hits the pen, and am excited to have another go at it.

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