Totally Turning 2023 (Saratoga, NY)

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Mar 14, 2008
Loudonville, NY, USA.
I usually post pictures from our Woodworking Showcase and Totally Turning Symposium, and will do that again. I just wanted to create a post about the Totally Turning 2023 Symposium. It is in Saratoga, NY, March 25-26. We have eight sessions over two days, and for the first time (at least since 2008), we will have a pen-focused demonstration for every session. I have been asked to do two Pen Making 101 demos, and we have Mark Dreyer coming in to do demos for the other six demos. There also many other turning demos that weekend. If you come join us, say, "Hi."

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Feb 22, 2005
Here is a link to pictures I took at the event. It was great meeting Mr. Dreyer in person. There were not a lot of pens in the instant gallery this year, but with eight sessions on pen making, we may have increased the interest in it. Enjoy:

Just plain WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic. First, thanks for taking the photos and showing here. That place must be huge to hold an event of that magnitude and spread it out so well. I just love looking at all the different aspects of woodworking and my eye of course loved the scrollsaw work as well as all the turnings. The flat work also was fantastic. truely some great artisans displayed their talents there. The ideas and thought process that goes into each project just flows and jumps out at you. I love that. Maybe as a woodworker I look at shows like this in a different light but man the talent was on display big time. People who can do carving like that always amazed me because there is no pattern or measurements. It is all hand eye coordination. Taking a piece of wood and making it talk and create a picture is mind numbing. Well done to all artisans and they all deserve blue ribbons. Thanks again. Enjoyed the tour.
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