Kitless, Tubeless, Worthless; Kicked my Butt

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May 11, 2010
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Had some problems with this one, but in the end, "Got 'er Done!"

This is a kitless with Red Malle cast in Alumilite. The nose cone is made from Aluminum. the clip is Stainless Steel. The finish is CA on the barrels, with no finish on the section.

No tubes. Taken apart it looks deceptively simple. I used my new triple start tap/die I recieve this week from the group buy.

The pen is very light weight. Entire pen weights in at 20g.

The blank came from Victor at LandFillLumber. Victor cast this to my specifications. What a great Guy!

The Blank Story:

Most blanks are 5 to 5.5 inches long. I was telling Victor that he should sell some larger blanks, becasue these are just not long enough for a double closed end pen. And also, I need something to make the section from.

So, we came up with a 6.25" WW concept. similar other blanks he makes, just longer. Then added on the "Companion Blank", which is basically a sierra sized blank cast from the same pour, and is used to make the section grip area.

Thanks Victor!



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Very nice. Most kitless pens don't really do a lot for me. I totally respect and revere the skill and knowledge it takes to make one, but I just don't usually like the way they look. This is a big exception. This pen rocks.
Crazy Stunning! These pens truly grow on me and the ideas and concept behind them add to the class of these works of art. You did a great job with this one and in working with a vendor to cast larger blanks opens a door for others to cast larger, longer creations for the rest of us...Thank you!
That looks terrific. It can be surprisingly difficult to make a deceptively simple pen:biggrin: Nice job on the front section, you can see the inside threads and how thin the walls are when it's taken apart. Very nice job.

The pen looks really great. I am especially intrigued by the clip. Where did you get it from? I do some pens and pentel conversions where this type of clip would look really great.
Concerning the 2 clip questions.

First i'll say I'm not enitely happy with it.

IT is made from 1/16 stainless rod from KS Engineering (Purchased at Grainger). I polished it and bent it to shape. It's a PITA to bend. I experimented with heating to bend, but the heat caused significant softening, so I cold bent it.

To attach, I drilled 1/16 holes (which needed slight reaming) and used a bit of epoxy in each hole.
That looks terrific. It can be surprisingly difficult to make a deceptively simple pen:biggrin: Nice job on the front section, you can see the inside threads and how thin the walls are when it's taken apart. Very nice job.


In the disassembled pic, there is a light just to the side that makes the threads pop out. When assembled, can can still detect the threads, but you have to look very hard to see them.
In the disassembled pic, there is a light just to the side that makes the threads pop out. When assembled, can can still detect the threads, but you have to look very hard to see them.

Dennis, sorry if it sounded like a criticism, it wasn't. I was remarking on how thin you were able to turn the walls to the inside threads and not blow out the part. That takes some delicate work. Nice going.

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