Tap and Die (triple start threads) Group Buy - IS ON!

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Sep 2, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Tap and Die (triple start threads) group buy

I am organizing a group buy for a triple-start tap and die set from Tapco USA. The purpose of these tools to create cap threads with a triple-start feature. The measurements were taken from an "El Grande" kit and it is possible that the threads you create will be compatible with "El Grande" components. The 12mm thread size should be suitable for both large (#6) nibs and small (#5) nibs. This group buy is targeted to the more advanced penmaker and will require the use of a die holder (not available in this buy). Furthermore, additional taps and dies will likely be required to make a kitless pen using these tools. Based on Skiprat's recommendations, I decided to go with a TAPER style tap with 4 flutes.

The group buy will remain open through Thursday, March 3rd at which point I will place the order with Tapco. In order to reserve a tap and/or die, you will need to pay by this deadline. I may not receive the parts until early April based on their manufacture time quote and shipping via UPS ground.

To keep the prices lowest, we will require a minimum quantity of 24 taps and 12 dies to proceed with the buy. Based on initial interest, I don't anticipate there being a problem fulfilling the quota.

Due to the post-editing time limit, I will not be able to update this post. Please check the link here for up-to-date info and confirmed participants.


Specs of tap and die:
M12.0 x 0.8P x 2.4L triple start taper-style tap, Standard Class 6H, 4 Flute
M12.0 x 0.8P x 2.4L triple start 1" OD Round adjustable die

Note that this is not the same manufacturer used in the last group buy (previously we used e-taps.com). In contrast, these tools are manufactured in the USA and are about half the price. However, there may be some risk involved as there are no refunds and these are not the exact parts ordered in the previous 2 group buys.

I will accept payment via Paypal or personal check / money order. Send paypal payments to sales@silverlakewoodworks.com

Please specify your IAP username during the Payment process. Also double-check the address you use as I will be printing shipping labels directly from Paypal. Contact me via PM for personal check / money order address.

Prices (include shipping to me, tooling fees, and Paypal fees):

Tap: $43.80
Die: $54.33
Tap/Die Set: $98.13

Shipping/Insurance to you:

Priority Mail, tracking, uninsured: $5.00
Priority Mail, tracking, insured: $7.25

Priority Mail, no tracking, uninsured: $12.42
Express Mail, tracking, insured: $33.77

All Other Countries:
Priority Mail, no tracking, uninsured: $14.50
Express Mail, tracking, insured: $36.89


The tooling and shipping (to me) fees included in the price assume an order of 24 taps / 24 dies. If we exceed that quantity, I will donate the remaining funds to the IAP.

Thanks for participating!

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...... Based on Skiprat's recommendations, I decided to go with a TAPER style tap with 4 flutes.

Oh boy!!! I can hear the groans already:eek: Every time a blank goes 'crack' the air is gonna be blue with my name stuck in the middle of it. :rolleyes::frown::biggrin:

My recommendation was based on the following logic.

4 flutes means 4 cutting edges now doing the work that 3 previously did so they should stay sharper longer.
4 flutes also is more space for the waste to get out.

The taper style takes several smaller cuts before it eventually cuts the individual thread to it's full depth. This is much less stressful on the blank than a plug tap which will try to cut a full depth thread almost within a turn or two. Yes, it does mean that you will have to thread the cap deeper, but that is the lesser of two evils.:wink:

I wish all of you the best of luck, but you must appreciate that there IS a learning curve and you WILL break blanks in the beginning.

There are plenty of 'threads' on threading here by me and several others, so please read them and ask if you are in any doubt.:wink:
haha... sorry Skip. Didn't mean to throw you under the bus. :redface: I really appreciate your input, advice, and experience. And remember folks, first-and-foremost Skiprat recommended single start threads!

- Joe
Joe, you and that Limey Rat convinced me!!!

I just Paypal'd you for a set ( Express/Tracking/Insured) so I can play too:biggrin:

( I did originally say in the PP note that I wanted the cheaper postage, but then changed it to the better one)
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Joe, pay-pal sent....

P.S. Skippy for your sake this better work........................, remember my uncle No fingers Vito?
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...P.S. Skippy for your sake this better work........................, remember my uncle No fingers Vito?

Hah!!! Vito Schmeeto....I'm no longer worried about him, he's a woossy compared to another name on that list!! :eek:
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For International participants, I looked into it and I can add Insurance (but no tracking) for Priority Mail packages for a few dollars. So that is another option if you don't want to spring for the Express Mail rate.

Here are the updated shipping charges:

Priority Mail, tracking, uninsured: $5.00
Priority Mail, tracking, insured: $7.25

Priority Mail, no tracking, uninsured: $12.42
Priority Mail, no tracking, insured: $15.95
Express Mail, tracking, insured: $33.77

All Other Countries:
Priority Mail, no tracking, uninsured: $14.50
Priority Mail, no tracking, insured: $18.03
Express Mail, tracking, insured: $36.89

- Joe
Paypal sent for 1 set. I hope I can make some nice pens now! What exactly do these do anyway?

George - These would allow only you to attach a rollerball refill to a broad point nib which will supply your Cross refill ink. With this tap and die set you will be able to get it to work perfectly every 6th Monday of the thirteenth month. :biggrin:
Texatdurango said:
Paypal sent for 1 set. I hope I can make some nice pens now! What exactly do these do anyway?

If your wanting a tap and die set and the timeing isnt right I will be ordering spare sets.

Paypal sent for 1 set. I hope I can make some nice pens now! What exactly do these do anyway?

George - These would allow only you to attach a rollerball refill to a broad point nib which will supply your Cross refill ink. With this tap and die set you will be able to get it to work perfectly every 6th Monday of the thirteenth month. :biggrin:

WEll, I couldn't manage all that BUT with my old multi-start tap and die..... I did manage a smooth writing pen that feels comfortable to write with!:)

I reference the pen here so others can see what can be made using these taps and dies. http://www.penturners.org/forum/showthread.php?p=1180271#post1180271 Sure breaks you away from the kits! :wink:
payment sent!

I'm canadian, but will provide you with a USA address to save some $$$.

speaking about $$$, skiprat, if the taper doesn't fit my style here, someone might finally find out where do the words tap and DIE come from... [;)]

just kidding, of course. I had tapped perhaps 5 taps in my life, and 0 of them where done well, So I'm more than glad and very thankful that I can rely on the experience and expertise of veterans like yourself!
I'm 100% confident that this is the better choise for pens.
here is a question:
what size hole should I drill for the tap? what OD should the rod be for the die?

Alex, this is part of the learning curve:wink:

As they are metric, the 'theoretical' solution is easy, but you may want to vary the inside and outside diameters very slightly depending on the material. :wink:
here is a question:
what size hole should I drill for the tap? what OD should the rod be for the die?
I use a 7/16 drill for the tap and sometimes bore it out slightly to make the threads a little loose. With just the 7/16 hole I find them a little tight for my taste. Usually I bore after threading so I can adjust the feel.

For the die, I typically turn to .470 to .475 depending on the material.

These numbers will get you close and work the the set purchased from e-taps. May be slightly different for this set.
here is a question:
what size hole should I drill for the tap? what OD should the rod be for the die?
I use a 7/16 drill for the tap and sometimes bore it out slightly to make the threads a little loose. With just the 7/16 hole I find them a little tight for my taste. Usually I bore after threading so I can adjust the feel.

For the die, I typically turn to .470 to .475 depending on the material.

These numbers will get you close and work the the set purchased from e-taps. May be slightly different for this set.

oh s***.

is a metal lathe included in this group purchase?

I think I'll need a bigger bottle of tapping fluid.
Sent my PayPal payment for the set as well as Prority mail, tracking, and insurance



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turbowagon said:
Tap and Die (triple start threads) group buy

This group buy is targeted to the more advanced penmaker and will require the use of a die holder (not available in this buy). Furthermore, additional taps and dies will likely be required to make a kitless pen using these tools.

So, while there is time to ask a few questions,..... Are there some links to give me a hint as to what this process involves? I know this is the direction I want to head - to really get out of the box,... And turbowagon and skiprat are my pen making heroes.... So help me take the leap..

: )

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