Orthopedist pen

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Jul 18, 2006
Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA.
I had a commission for a gift to an Orthopedic Surgeon, and this is what I came up with:


The pen is made from whitetail deer bone - specifically, the ulna (one of the bones the customer broke) and has a caduceus clip. It is a bit fatter than I normally like, but I was constrained by the size of the marrow.


The box is engraved with the emblems of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Association for Hand Surgery, the doctor's professional affiliations.
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Beautiful job all the way around. Been wondering what bone would look like turned.

I like it and will be fighting for the next turkey leg! :D
Nice job and I'm impressed that you were able to find bones that had a small enough marrow cavity for 7mm tubes. I hope it doesn't crack. My experience with bone is that it is prone to crack spontaneously.
Originally posted by gerryr

I'm impressed that you were able to find bones that had a small enough marrow cavity for 7mm tubes.
Yes, the bones weren't so much drilled, as reamed out. Glueing in the tubes was mostly a matter of sealing one end and then drizzling in enough CA to fill all the cavities. The end result is that the bone is pretty well saturated with CA - I hope that will help prevent cracking. There bone is fibrous with a definite lay - so there are plenty of "fault lines".
Could have made it from human bone. There is a place on Ebay selling human bones for "Medical Research"(?). Don't even want to know where they get the bones but they aren't cast repros. The are genuine bone and sometimes they are not any more expensive than a good blank. I've been wanting to try one but the better half keeps telling me it is unmoral. What do y'all think.
Originally posted by nightowl

Where do you buy laser engraving equipment?
There are domestic manufacturers, foreign manufacturers, and domestic resellers of foreign manufacturers. I did a fair amount of research and wound up importing an engraver from China (which was an education all of its own). That involved extra risk, took a long time, and caused several headaches, but a locally purchased machine of the same capacity would have cost three times as much.
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