Turkish Walnut

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Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
This blank is an average one, meaning that it's not the best in the lot I received, from the group purchase Mike Shue coordinated. Turkish walnut is really no more than ....Juglans Regia, the Regal Walnut is the Latin/Scientific name at the core. It is the same specie as English walnut.


Thank you to all who look and particularly to those who offer comments or critiques.


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Lou , you did your art work on it, though and it looks really nice. but, I believe your judgment since you have done more pen turning than most of us. Shall we put this on the chart?
To rephrase an old Johny Rogers(Heisman winner from long ago who starred in the CFL) saying:

"just your average everyday superstar...(pen)". Great looking pen.
Its very nice work,but I must say I have black walnut that looks nearly the same.I guess I was fooled by all the marbled blanks I seen in the posts about these.Thanks for sharing great job,Victor
Lou, while I agree that it is "average" walnut, even the less than spectacular pieces have some wonderful grain. Point being that is a nice looking pen!
Lou, if that is average ...
While it may not be the best blank you received, there is nothing average about THAT pen! Very Nice! Thanks for posting it for those of us to see what we missed out on. :)
Very nice Lou.

I was fortunate to get in on the but myself. Some said how it was kind of plain looking and a bit disappointing. But once the finish is applied the true colors pop.

And there you go you have a fine looking pen.

Lou, taking a nice blank and turning it into one of your pretty wood pens has become common place. But your pretty pens are definitely not common.
Thank you for all of the generous comments.

Normally I am not a fan of walnut pens, but this wood has enough unusual beauty to change my mind. The deep black lines, most often thought to be an indicator of very old trees, contrasts well with the more traditional English walnut brown. This is very dense wood, being old growth, and the pores and grain are much tighter than the commercially grown stock we find most often. For $2 a blank, it seems like a good buy, even though good quality English walnut lumber can be found in the $20-$25 a board foot price range.

To rephrase an old Johny Rogers(Heisman winner from long ago who starred in the CFL) saying:

"just your average everyday superstar...(pen)". Great looking pen.

You had to go reminding me of Johnny "The Jet", didn't you. Having been a Sooner, I still have painful memories of the "Game of the Century" in 1971. Of course, his Orange Bowl performance in 1973 was nothing to sneeze at...3 TD's running, 1 TD receiving and 1 TD passing. Dang, that kid could play! Having my pen compared to Johnny is tres bien!
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