This is a modified cigar pen made for the Penmakers challenge stage 3 . It is made with yellow pearl and black PR with parts from a black Ti cigar kit .
This design is the reason for the tenon at the centerband, there is no tube to support the segmenting . This time I managed to remember to recess the clip . The only thing I don't like about this pen is I should have painted the black segments white or yellow before I glued them up , the two yellow segments are over powered by the black segments and painting them would have allowed the yellow segments to show up better . I did glue the finial in on this one because of the transmission activator tube .
If you don't have a cigar kit or can't figure out how to make it work you are welcome to use a slimline kit and make a similar design . This one slowed me down a little , getting everything laid out . I like the overall design of this pen and it will be my new carry pen for awhile .
Have fun and work safe . As usual I will be around to answer questions but I will not give a tutorial just hints on how to do it . I'm sure everyone will be able to figure it out with a little thought and some logic .
All cutting and drilling was done on the lathe but if you don't have a scroll chuck or collet chuck you can use your DP for drilling . A hint on the activator tube , the transmission is 8mm .
This design is the reason for the tenon at the centerband, there is no tube to support the segmenting . This time I managed to remember to recess the clip . The only thing I don't like about this pen is I should have painted the black segments white or yellow before I glued them up , the two yellow segments are over powered by the black segments and painting them would have allowed the yellow segments to show up better . I did glue the finial in on this one because of the transmission activator tube .
If you don't have a cigar kit or can't figure out how to make it work you are welcome to use a slimline kit and make a similar design . This one slowed me down a little , getting everything laid out . I like the overall design of this pen and it will be my new carry pen for awhile .
Have fun and work safe . As usual I will be around to answer questions but I will not give a tutorial just hints on how to do it . I'm sure everyone will be able to figure it out with a little thought and some logic .
All cutting and drilling was done on the lathe but if you don't have a scroll chuck or collet chuck you can use your DP for drilling . A hint on the activator tube , the transmission is 8mm .