Deal of the Century!! (Tool Gloat)

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Dec 2, 2007
Gardendale, AL, USA.
Got these two saws today and you guys are'nt gonna believe the price!!A pack of smokes and 100.00 for BOTH saws!!And I had to go pick them up.Both of them have been used very little!The mobile bases and the frued dado set were included!!


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Ronald , take this in the sprit it was intended ....... YOU SUCK !!! :biggrin:....... That is an awesome find .
I have that table saw and it is a fantastic saw . Good luck with them !!!
Got these two saws today and you guys are'nt gonna believe the price!!A pack of smokes and 100.00 for BOTH saws!!And I had to go pick them up.Both of them have been used very little!The mobile bases and the frued dado set were included!!

Did you make this deal in prison? Who includes a pack of smokes in their asking price?
Did you make this deal in prison? Who includes a pack of smokes in their asking price?

My first thuoght was... Did you mean a "Pack of Smokes" or a "Bag of Smoke"??? The second one is more in line financially i think.
WOW the dado is like $150,but you can get it at amazon for $95 at the moment.You lucky dog I would have bought those to resell I had i seen them.The mobile bases are $50-60 each.Nice score Ronald.Victor
Hell the mobile bases are 50 bucks each...lets see hmmm.. a pack of smokes and a hundred dollar bill, I'm wondering if the people who live at the house you picked them up at got home from vacation yet.:rolleyes::wink:
My guess............when the owner comes home and finds out his wife's new boyfriend sold you his stuff it won't be pretty. Lay low for awhile!!
Good thing the real owner doesn't know where you live. He'd be coming with the police to get his stuff back. Come to think of it maybe you shouldn't have posted here for a while:) Oh by the way you definitely suck big time. Nice score.
Don't leave them out in the driveway.Someone might get them.They would be good for making things like saw dust and maybe even a pen or something else.Great find.Enjoy them I know I would.Todd
Gee...I hope you can sleep at night knowing how you got them. So if your having trouble sleeping I understand would be more than happy to take the guilt away from you. I'll take the burden for the both of us.:wink:
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