Originally posted by jeff
This has to be a joke, right?
Nope, I don't think it's a joke, I think what we are seeing is a self taught wood turner!
If we could contact this person I believe we would find that he hasn't a clue as to what he is doing wrong.
I gaurantee you we have members on this very forum who have similar turning techniques and why not? I taught myself how to turn and made several dozen pens before joining the local turning club. I was chatting with a member, bashing the skew as being too dangerous because it kept grabbing and tearing up my blanks.
He invited me to his shop for a little one-on-one and was horrified when he saw my stance, how I held the tools, how I didn't use the tool rest properly, the angles I used to attack the wood, etc. I now know how to turn properly but my point is had I not visited his shop I would have never learned the proper way of turning and no doubt would have continued "self taught" just as the fellow in the video.
We read posts from members like this everyday and don't even realize it. Think about the members posting about getting catches ALL the time or that their blanks are ALWAYS blowing up then think about this video and see if you can see why they have so many problems.
Perhaps we should make this video manditory viewing and tell new members "If you do this, find someone to teach you how to turn"