Superbowl pool - UPDATED GRID !!

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Mar 15, 2007
Superbowl pool 1- UPDATED GRID !!

Here is the grid for POOL #1 to make it easy to find - GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

Superbowl Pool !!!
Here is your chance to win a few pen blanks from your closest IAP friends! We know everyone had a blast with the PITH exchange (my first) so I volunteered to coordinate a Superbowl Pen Blank Pool. It also has something to do with the fact that I now have plenty of time on my hands since my team has packed up their bags for the season – again!
In anticipation of the upcoming Superbowl on Feb 7th, and with the guidance of the IAP management group, we are holding a Superbowl Pen Blank Pool – everyone is welcome to participate but we are limited to 100 people, first come, first served. Limit one entry per person.

ANYONE CAN WIN! There is absolutely no previous experience required other than a desire to have some fun.
Signing up is simple….just respond in the thread that you are in !!!!!! Don't forget, we are limited to 100 folks.

There is no cost to play other than a few pen blanks that you happen to have laying around your shop.

For those who have not participated in a football pool, here is a brief explanation of how it works….
A grid is broken up into 100 squares (10 across by 10 high). Everyone's name is placed into random squares. After all the names are placed, numbers 0-9 are randomly drawn and placed across the top along with the name of one team, and again along the side in no particular order for the other team, somewhat like an old multiplication table. At the end of the first quarter, if the score is 7 – 3, you go across the top to 7 for team A, then down the side to 3 for team B. Where that column and row intersect is the square with the winner's name. Only the last number of the score is used; ex. 21-14 would be square 1 and square 4.

Game Rules

- Sign-ups will close as soon as we reach 100 names.

- Once we have everyone signed up, names will be randomly assigned to a square on the
grid. Your personal square is yours for the entire game and enables you to win as an
individual in any of the 4 quarters

- We will also randomly place each person into 1 of 4 groups separate from the grid. These
4 groups will then be randomly assigned to a quarter of the game.

- Once all names are drawn and assigned, a copy of the grid and groups will be posted for
everyone and prior to game day.

- At the end of the first quarter, a winner will be determined based on the score of the
game at that time. The people who are in the group assigned to the first quarter will
send the winner 3-5 pen blanks of their choice. The same will happen for each quarter.

- In the unlikely event that there is a scoreless quarter, the winner from the previous
quarter will be carried over and win blanks from that group as well. It is possible, but
highly unlikely, that you could win pen blanks from 50 different people, or more!

- There may be some players from outside the U.S.
Keep that in mind in regards to possibly shipping outside the US. Shipping should
be very nominal considering we are only sending a few blanks to the winner.

NOTE: If you have any questions please let me know ASAP so that we can address them well before game day and avoid any potential snafus (which stands for stuff I didn't cover).

Good Luck!
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I would like to be included in this. A couple of questions: What's the Superbowl? (just kidding). Who's playing who? (seriously):)
I'm confused, but I'll play. Put me down for the Colts to win +12. I think the Superbowl will be Colts vs New Orleans this year. If it's Colts vs Bengals, put me down for Colts +37 and double shock it!:wink:
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