6th Anniversary Logo Contest!
Fame, notoriety, and a $100 PRIZE! Enter via email (see below) by Nov 17.
To commemorate the IAP's 5th anniversary, last year for the Birthday Bash I had a new logo designed (thanks to [profile]Skye[/profile]). I used that logo on limited edition mugs that we offered as donation premiums during the bash. Those were a big hit, so I've decided to do the same thing this year with one twist;
YOU DESIGN THE LOGO! You don't need to be a graphic artist. We'll take your (neatly!) hand-drawn submission.
What we're looking for is a logo
The Contest
Beginning precisely one nanosecond after this post is made and continuing through approximately midnight US Eastern time on November 17, entries for the logo contest will be accepted as jpg images sent via email to logocontest ("at" penturners.org)
If more than 5 submissions are received, I and our trusty management team will whittle those down to the best 5, then I will post those as a poll and we'll vote on our favorite. The voting period will be Nov 20 through 29.
The names of the members submitting entries will not be revealed until after the final voting. So, DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY ANYWHERE!!! Submit it by email as described below.
The winning entry will be tweaked as needed by our crack digital editing team (thanks [profile]Skye[/profile]), then will become the official logo of the IAP 6th Birthday Bash. It will appear on our annual run of limited edition coffee mugs and hats, as well as be immortalized on the front page of our site for the whole of 2010.
The Prize
At a minimum, the winner will receive:
Fame, notoriety, and a $100 PRIZE! Enter via email (see below) by Nov 17.
To commemorate the IAP's 5th anniversary, last year for the Birthday Bash I had a new logo designed (thanks to [profile]Skye[/profile]). I used that logo on limited edition mugs that we offered as donation premiums during the bash. Those were a big hit, so I've decided to do the same thing this year with one twist;
YOU DESIGN THE LOGO! You don't need to be a graphic artist. We'll take your (neatly!) hand-drawn submission.
What we're looking for is a logo
- with clean, simple lines in black and white
- that has elements of pens, the IAP, penmaking, etc.
- which likely contains the number "6" or "VI" or the word "six" or "sixth"
The Contest
Beginning precisely one nanosecond after this post is made and continuing through approximately midnight US Eastern time on November 17, entries for the logo contest will be accepted as jpg images sent via email to logocontest ("at" penturners.org)
If more than 5 submissions are received, I and our trusty management team will whittle those down to the best 5, then I will post those as a poll and we'll vote on our favorite. The voting period will be Nov 20 through 29.
The names of the members submitting entries will not be revealed until after the final voting. So, DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY ANYWHERE!!! Submit it by email as described below.
The winning entry will be tweaked as needed by our crack digital editing team (thanks [profile]Skye[/profile]), then will become the official logo of the IAP 6th Birthday Bash. It will appear on our annual run of limited edition coffee mugs and hats, as well as be immortalized on the front page of our site for the whole of 2010.
The Prize
At a minimum, the winner will receive:
- A $100 gift certificate to the penmaking supply vendor of their choice OR a $100 gift certificate to Amazon.com
- One of each item on which the logo is used (mugs, hats, whatever we make...)
- You may submit up to three entries. If you submit more than one, they should be significantly different.
- There is no fee for entry. Entries become the property of penturners.org
- Submit your entry by email to: logocontest ("at" penturners.org). Please put "Logo Contest Entry" in the subject field of your email. All entries will be acknowledged by email within 24 hours of receipt.
- Entries should be jpg images of your digitally created entry or a scan of your hand-drawn entry.
- If you are absolutely, positively unable to provide a scan of your hand drawn entry, you can make your entry via postal mail. (PM me for my address.)
- Only members of The IAP/penturners.org are eligible.
- Sorry, members of the management team, you're not eligible!