Activities Manager Emeritus
The photos will be added soon. For now, here are the contestants for the best FreeStyle pen.
Anthony - I see you did your best to win a Heritance 18 gold nib! :biggrin:
Okay ! Does this mean we are officially opening TRASH TALK II :biggrin:
I would say Steve is mocking me without uttering a single word. If I can just somehow stage a comeback rally, and obtain that golden nib, I would deserve having it installed by the donor too! Now...how to rally...?
Jeff I wasn't ignoring you, I'm just on a mobile connection while away from home and the signal was strong enough ( just ) to connect to the site. But not good enough to post.:biggrin:
It's called war driving.Canvassing the neighborhood?
I was just trying to motivate a newer younger generation to join the group. If I lose, that's a good thing, because it makes me work harder to improve. Next year I'll be sure and turn the heat up. I imagine a few others will do the same.
Now lets see if how that messes up the voting:biggrin:
Well Steve, you're a heck of a nice guy. And..I pick on you because I know you have a good sense of humor. Odds are you win and deserve to. All the pens required hours of time and labour from the heart. The "judges" thread ...I admit I was quite insulted by it especially since it seemed directed at me, and it's tough to insult me, but I don't like to fight. I'm here for fun which is far more important than any tangible prize anyone can offer. I learn so much from you guys which goes well beyond penturning or any type of woodworking...so I offer all a prize too, and that prize is a big ...
Thank You IAP !!! Love ya!
You still have Keith to contend with too, you know.
You better watch it, Keith is gaining some momentum.
That said,......Go get em Keith!!
Yes, as they say, "Every Kiss begins with K"