Local Chapter Manager
So, I have been informed that the five MEN who have submitted pens in the "Freestyle Pen Contest"
are looking for more entries.
This is a multi-faceted contest, as DaVinci has constructed it!!!
First you must enter a pen - go look, there's some pretty good metal there.
Once you have entered a pen, however, you are also fair game for the "smack down" contest. Yeah, that's right, somewhere where Boys can be Boys without catching crud from the over-moderate!!!
Now, you can't WIN the "smack down" unless you submit a pen. But you CAN observe the fun - NO CHARGE!!!
But the 5 heavy hitters are looking for new ENTRIES, so they can tell you it looks like POOP - hey Curtis, have you considered entering your pen in TWO contests??? Maybe YOU could get in the mood, too!!!!!
So, run right over and submit a pen and start thinking of new ways to say "Skiprat's ol' lady" or "Skippy's an ol lady" or whatever else you might like to say - he's been spewing them British sayings over there.
So, who will be the next 'HEAVY hitter"????
Or does our great pen turning site REALLY only have FIVE GUYS that can compete for the best "Freestyle" pen??
Not an Aussie in the group, did you notice that??? I know they been enduring some fires, you'd think THEY could TAKE THE HEAT!!!
are looking for more entries.
This is a multi-faceted contest, as DaVinci has constructed it!!!
First you must enter a pen - go look, there's some pretty good metal there.
Once you have entered a pen, however, you are also fair game for the "smack down" contest. Yeah, that's right, somewhere where Boys can be Boys without catching crud from the over-moderate!!!
Now, you can't WIN the "smack down" unless you submit a pen. But you CAN observe the fun - NO CHARGE!!!
But the 5 heavy hitters are looking for new ENTRIES, so they can tell you it looks like POOP - hey Curtis, have you considered entering your pen in TWO contests??? Maybe YOU could get in the mood, too!!!!!
So, run right over and submit a pen and start thinking of new ways to say "Skiprat's ol' lady" or "Skippy's an ol lady" or whatever else you might like to say - he's been spewing them British sayings over there.
So, who will be the next 'HEAVY hitter"????
Or does our great pen turning site REALLY only have FIVE GUYS that can compete for the best "Freestyle" pen??
Not an Aussie in the group, did you notice that??? I know they been enduring some fires, you'd think THEY could TAKE THE HEAT!!!