Trio of Gentlemen

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Oct 11, 2007
Crosby, Texas, USA.
I wish I could claim to have planned this from the start, but it actually is just the result of mixing a little too much PR. Poured one of each as intended, and didn't have enough to pour a second of each, but too much to throw away. After that, a little mix and match with parts and it's sort of a set. Let me know what you think, concept, execution, and marketability. The photo's are fair game too, but with my current equipment, there's probably not much I can do to improve them. Again, I don't remember seeing anything quite like it before, but if you have a pic of the set you did years ago, I'd like to see and compare, feel free to post into my thread.



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A very nice set. I don't know if you will find a buyer for the whole set but it would be nice.

The one with the mixed blank is actually my favorite.
Cool pens, just a little thing I would have changed is to make the custom finials the same height as the originals they are replacing, that is just a personal taste thing!
Ken, I like the ballpoint pen quite well, actually, it's got a nice solid double twist mech, parker refill, and is a little classier feeling than a cigar or a euro. I like that I can do the custom centerband on them too. Not coming in TI Gold is a downer, and I'm not positive I like the bullet tip, (but that could probably be customized too, as it screws onto a threaded adapter kinda like the tranny) It's a little pricey, but a nice midpoint between the lower end ballpoints and the rollerballs. I have no idea how it sells, this is my first one. It's quite a bit longer than a Jr. Gent, about the same as the full size.

Mark. I've done some of both finials, the high ones and some that are almost as flat as the metal original. The slightly taller ones seem to grab the most attention in a display. I personally like to have it show a little when the pen is at an angle too. As you say, it's a personal taste thing. I do realize that if I'm going to keep these as a set I need to make them much more consistent between the 3 pens. Got to work on that.
Very nice set of pens James. I showed the pictures to my wife and she wanted me to ask you where you got the heart shaped clip on the 2nd pen in the 2nd picture, that just blew her away. What with Valentines Day coming up I would like to make her a couple with that clip on it. Thanks for posting the pictures and your reply. Fred.
Fred, I WISH I could come up with something that cool, but that's just the standard Jr. Gent clip, with a reflection of the white blank it's sitting next to showing up at just the right place to make it look like a heart.

I guess it is time for me to schedule and eye exam James, I was hoping you were on to something new there. My wife is going to be disappointed. I guess I can cut out a tiny cardboard heart and ca it to the underside of the clip. After taking another closer look at the pictures, I can see what you mean about the reflection. You should also get an A for trick photography as well as craftsmanship. Keep up the good work and let me be the first to know if you ever develop a heart shaped clip. Fred.
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