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Jul 7, 2004
Ironton, Ohio, USA.

First of All I would like to wish the IAP and All Members a HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY! I am opening this contest a few hours early as I have to go to work in a few hours and will not be home to do this at midnight. I thought earlier would be better than later. Anyway, please completely read all of the rules below before submitting an entry to this contest. Follow the instructions as listed below and everything will be fine. Have Fun and let's get the Lies a'comin!

:cake:Liars Club Contest:cake:

In this contest, each entrant is expected to submit a "short story" that is the tallest tale or outright lie that concerns handmade pens and/or penturning. It can be a personal experience with a big made up twist to it or it can be anything that comes to mind. But all stories have to be YOUR Original work. It cannot be a story you read on the internet, in a magazine or saw in any other publication. All entries will be submitted to the following e-mail address (liarsclub@penturners.org) and after the contest ends, all entries will be posted for everyone to see along with the winners. Make sure to put your name, IAP Screen Name and a valid mailing address on the top of your entry. The Liars Club Meister will be the only one to know who the entrants are prior to the winners being announced.
Please keep all stories clean as this is a family site.
The main objective in this contest is to HAVE FUN!

· Must be original work. (i.e. not from an internet story or any story that has been posted by someone else in any publication.)
· Must not be the TRUTH!
· The story should be between 250 to 350 words.
· One entry per member
· Please list your name, IAP screen name and valid mailing address at the top of your entry. Put "Liars Club Contest" in the subject box of the e-mail. and e-mail to liarsclub@penturners.org
· Contest will begin 12:01am (midnight) Forum Time on Tuesday February 3, 2009
· All entries must be submitted by 12:00pm (Noon) Forum Time on Saturday February 21, 2009
· The judge's decision will be final
· The 3 judges will be chosen at random. The identity of the judges will not be revealed.



The winners will be announced on February 24, 2009.

1st Place
Heritance - DCBluesman
1. Five-pack of calligraphy (dip) pen components (Retail $50)
1. Ten-pack of vacuum-type converters (5 long and 5 short) (Retail $80)

2nd Place
Envelope of pen blanks

3rd Place
Large bargain-box of gold sandpaper
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Man, I never thought that I'd have trouble staying within 350 words....I keep tossing stories out because they get too long!

I'll write a short one eventually...

I was once told that a great author wrote a letter that ended with, "Sorry this letter is so long, I did not have time to make it shorter!"

So, perhaps you are a budding great author!!
Being an ignorant noob I have to ask, what are "vacuum-type converters" ?
Papatim...in your avatar (I'm assuming that's you) you look exactly like The Duke from Boondock Saints, totally BAD A**!!!!

"THERE WAS A FIRE FIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!"....anyone? anyone?
Oh I almost missed this contest, too many to keep up with :biggrin:

So, do we get a clue as to the judging criteria? Is it based on how funny it is, most believable lie, or something else?

Staying within 350 words is going to be difficult...

Now. I know from reading all of the posts on this site that we should have a few more entries than we have so far. This contest will end Next Saturday (Feb. 21st) at noon. So get your entries in!

The entries just need to be the biggest far fetched story you can think of or a real story with a big Lie (twist) to it. It can be funny, serious or whatever comes to mind. It just has to be related to pens or something to do with pen making (casting blanks, laser engraving, etc.)
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No, no, no. I think our poor contest judges need a break. They don't have time to read hundreds of crazy stories. i reckon you're better just going with the ones you have already :wink:

Can it be about hunting wood used in making the pen???

How do you hunt wood? Do you need a license? What sort of mating call do you use? I bet building a blind to hide from the trees is tricky, and I wouldn't like to be in the way when the dogs flush them out of the long grass...


:eek: WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!! :eek:

So far we have just enough entries to cover the prizes with an extra or two. Where is all of the participation? Last year we were flocked with stories. We have less than 4 days left for this competition. Come on let's get those stories entered.
Just submitted mine. Too bad it had to be so short. First draft was just under 700 words. :eek:
BTW Brian, you're assumption is right. My avatar is my actual picture.:crying:
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