Blank ID Contest Rules

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
I am posting this for Dave Lee (Rarest Wood) who is the brains behind the four Blank Identification contests.

The rules for the contest are as follows:

Each Sunday in February a new wood ID quiz will be posted and the winner announced the following Saturday. As we have a worldwide membership the timbers chosen will be from around the world reflecting that membership and giving everyone a chance to win. The prizes will be two blanks of the timber in question. The judges' decision is final (unless your offering me a free condo in Florida, if so please pm me!) The answers to the quiz have to be botanical names with an accompanying common name. An example would be Brazilian Rosewood or Rio Rosewood are common names for a species named Dalbergia nigra. Sometimes a plant will have two botanical names if this is the case I will accept any synonyms. The winner will be the first person to correctly name the woods botanical and common local name together. We will leave the quiz running all week and the winner will be announced on Saturday.

Edit, with thanks to Skye:

Guesses will be made on the thread for each contest each week.
Prizes limited to one per contest.
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Thanks to one of our members and with the consent of Dave, we will have the following rule change for the Blank ID contest.

All correct answers will be considered. A winner will be drawn at random from all of the correct answers. As pointed out to me, this will make the contests fair to members who live all around the world.
Week One Blank Identification

Rules are as above.

The judge's decision is final.
Post your guesses here. On Saturday, Dave will give me the answers that will be accepted. In the case of multiple correct answers, I will use a random number generator to pick a winner. The winner will win 2 blanks of the wood identified. Good luck!! Note: The wood and the hints are supplied by Dave Lee (Rarest wood) For the record, I have never heard of any of them!

My first job on leaving my apprenticeship was working as a bench joiner in a civil engineering works in a workshop in Wales. One day a plumber came into the workshop and threw a lump of timber onto my workbench he said "Do you know what that timber is? I didn't but that was all it took! from that day on I started to explore the wonderful variety of timbers. I did find out later what the timber was.

Now I'm going to ask you the same question concerning the same timber.
Look at the photos of some blanks in this timber the winner will receive the blanks as a prize.

My first clue is Species of this genus are usually called Mickey-mouse plants due to the shape of the fruiting drupe. The family comprises mainly trees, shrubs, and plants. Species of this family are found from tropical and subtropical regions. They are most often found in South America. The family has about 50 genera and 600 or so species. This particular species is found in west and central Africa and is used where there is a need for railway sleepers and decking it is sometimes called ironwood (as are a hundred other different species of timber) It has white deposits in the grain is reddish and this timber will blunt you tools just by giving them a nasty look. This timber has 10 common names and two botanical synonyms.


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Just so I'm clear "Post your guesses here." means you want us to publicly post the answer rather than PMing them privately?
Ochna serrulata

Synonym:Ochna multiflora
Synonym:Ochna atropurpurea
Synonym:Ochna mossambicensis

Common Names: Birds Eye Bush, Mickey Mouse bush, small-leaved plane, carnival bush, fynblaarrooihout (Afr.), Umbomvane (Zulu), iliTye (Xhosa)

That's my answer and I'm sticking to it.
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Yes, the blank photo was changed. I told you I have no idea what these blanks are! :redface: Thanks to Dave, I hope we are back on track!

OK, I HOPE I got it right this time. Please revisit the post as I have changed the attacments.

Yes, post your guess on this thread.
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Botanical - Lophira Alata

Family - Ochnaceae

Common names - Bongossi, Bakundu (Cameroon), Kaku (Ghana), Esore (Ivory Coast), Ekki (Nigeria), Endwi (Sierra Leone), Azobe
Lophira lanceolata van Tiegh. (Ochnacaeae) or
Lophira Alata (Ochnacaeae)

Common = red-ironwood, dry zone ironwood, african oak, red oak, bongossi, Azobe, or ironpost!

Worth a shot
My Guess: Lophira Alata

Kinggdom - Plantae
Phylum - Tracheophyta
Class - Magnoliopsida
Order - Theales
Family - Ochnaceae
Genus - Lophira
Species - Alata

Common Names:

Eki (Benin)
Bonkole (Congo, Germany)
Azobe (Ivory Coast)
Akoga (Equatorial Guinea, Gabon)
Kaku (Ghana)
Eba (Nigeria)
Ekki (Nigeria, United Kingdom)
Hendui (Germany)

"Mickey Mouse Plant" was mentioned, which is a name often applied to members of the Ochnaceae Family.


I would say KWILA or MERBAU

Scientific name Intsia bijuga (formerly Afzelia bijuga syn. Afzelia australis), I. palembanica. Family name: Leguminosae.

Local names Johnstone River teak, scrub mahogany (North Queensland), merbau (Malaysia), vesi (Fiji), Moluccan ironwood (United Kingdom), go-nux (Vietnam), ipil (Philippines), hintzy (Madagascar), melila, bendora (Papua New Guinea), lumpho, lum-paw, makamong (Thailand), kivoli, vuvula (Solomon Islands).
My guess for Week #1

Family: Ochnaceae
Species: Ochna holstii
Common Names: red ironwood, red ironwood ochna, dry zone ironwood, dwarf red, false shea

I'm going with Lophira alata although I found 3 other synonyms (Lophira africana, Lophira simplex & Lophira procera). I also found more than 10 common names ( Meni Oil Tree, African Oak, Azobe, Ekki, Eki, Bongossi, Red Ironwood, Kaku, Bakundu, Esore, Aba, Endwi, Bonkole, Akoga, & Hendui).
Now I can't wait to the after-answer discussion. Bob I.
Sure looks like EKKI (Lophira alata) which is described as a African wood. The mystery wood clue said South America. Ah dunno.
the winner of the competition was chosen by collecting the correct answers and assigning them a number each according to their post order is GaryMadore
his answer was very definative as well
Lophira Alata

Kinggdom - Plantae
Phylum - Tracheophyta
Class - Magnoliopsida
Order - Theales
Family - Ochnaceae
Genus - Lophira
Species - Alata

Common Names:

Eki (Benin)
Bonkole (Congo, Germany)
Azobe (Ivory Coast)
Akoga (Equatorial Guinea, Gabon)
Kaku (Ghana)
Eba (Nigeria)
Ekki (Nigeria, United Kingdom)
Hendui (Germany)

"Mickey Mouse Plant" was mentioned, which is a name often applied to members of the Ochnaceae Family.

Well done everyone who took part there were some impressive folk who were very quick off the mark. There will be another competition as from Sunday but considering the prizes its definately worth taking part remember youve got to be in it to win it!
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