Group Collaboration

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Thanks Cindy.

I was thinking about that as well. There are more of you up north of here to collaborate on a piece but... If we had an idea ready to go, it's something we might be able to knock out at the gathering. I've seen Greg do a beautiful CA finish in no time. I'm sure others here can lay on an amazing CA finish as well, but me and CA have been fighting each other for too long now. I surrender.

Roller Ball?
Ball Point? Nah.

I have some nice buckeye but it's not stabilized so I'm not sure what kind of voids we might find inside. I usually fill any voids with turning dust and CA. Sometimes that works out great and sometimes not so great. Nolan might have some killer stuff as well. I have a decent selection of wood but I don't have many kits in stock at the moment. I have a Jr. Gent Ball Point without tubes, maybe an Elegant Sierra, and a Tycoon but I'm not fond of the Tycoon. The TI gold plating isn't the best IMO.

If we decide on a kit and get spare tubes, we could turn several different materials then decide which one floats our boat. Some materials look better than others after you turn them down to size.
Sounds like a great idea!

I think we should go for as much of a "collaboration" as possible, meaning as many different parts done by as many different people as possible. My ideas would be:

-Accent peices in the blank
-Anybody make custom parts? A clip or centerband maybe.
-photography (...Greg)

I could help with a box (I assume that wouldn't be made at the meeting). I could also supply blanks or any of my various materials(horn, pickguard, inlace, bits of trustone, alt. ivory, etc.), or maybe come up with some segmenting. I can also turn, finish, whatever. It would be cool to segment together different peices from different people.

Anybody who is interested in helping with this, please post with what you may be able to help with.
I would be happy to be the photographer!

How extreme do we want to try to go? A 360 degree herringbone? Pentarsia? Eagle Feathers? Does anyone have a vision floating in their head?

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If we get the meeting going here next month (starting to look like it's a go), it would be a great time to turn a blank, giving everyone a chance to turn a little bit of it - we'd have collaboration on a grand scale! :tongue:

I'd say a large pen, in a nice box. A closed-end gent. FP maybe. They're easy to do customization on. Maybe scallops and some other stuff.

I would suggest either raffling it off, or donating it to a good cause when it's completed.
Sounds like a great idea!

I think we should go for as much of a "collaboration" as possible, meaning as many different parts done by as many different people as possible. My ideas would be:

-Accent peices in the blank
-Anybody make custom parts? A clip or centerband maybe.
-photography (...Greg)

I could help with a box (I assume that wouldn't be made at the meeting). I could also supply blanks or any of my various materials(horn, pickguard, inlace, bits of trustone, alt. ivory, etc.), or maybe come up with some segmenting. I can also turn, finish, whatever. It would be cool to segment together different peices from different people.

Anybody who is interested in helping with this, please post with what you may be able to help with.

I'll supervise.... SWMBO says I'm very good at it.. :eek:
I talked to Jay today and he and I can work on a lamination. Jay has quite a collection of local woods but if anyone has some special wood they want to use or if anyone wants to join us in the creation of our pen, just let us know.

I'd have to hope for something nice to happen, timing-wise, but my company owns a composting business that often gets a lot of local green waste. I doubt turning construction waste would be fun, but here in the valley there can be a lot of citrus/etc., I'll see if I can find anything interesting...

I have some eculyuptus burl, olive, grapefruit to donate. let me know if you want me to run it over to dublin. Other than that don't have much local stuff.
Pen blank ideas

Hi All,

Jay and I got together today and figured out all the woods available and came up with a couple of ideas for what to make.

First the list of woods to choose from:

  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Cherry
  • Nectarine
  • Apricot
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Plum
  • California Olive
  • Walnut
  • Pistachio
  • Coastal Live Oak
  • Holly
  • Juniper
  • Manzanita
  • Myrtle
  • Chamise (VERY VERY Hard to deal with, but pretty)
All of these are "California Woods", some of them are "California Native".

We came up with two possible pen blank "themes". The first theme is "California Fruits and Nuts" where we use the woods from our local orchards to make the pen. The other is "California Native" where we only use native woods to make the blank.

We also came up with two possible pen blank "designs". The "ginsu" blank where we take wood from the chosen theme and then slice and dice it up into small pieces and cast the pieces into Alumilite or PR so when you turn the blank you will have a colorful background with different pieces and shapes of the various woods to look at. The second design would be something along the lines of what is "pictured" below:


The far left shows the idea for the top half of the blank where we have 4 different kinds of woods (top & bottom, each pair of the 2x2 columns, and the central diamond). The far right shows what a two part pen would look like.

OK, now for the questions: Which pen kit do we use? Closed end or "traditional"? I'd recommend something BIG like a full-size Gent/Statesman.

What woods do we use?

If we choose the ginsu what shapes do we want for the pieces: All squares?, All quadrilaterals?, Random (ie throw the bits in a blender and see what comes out)?, Some triangles?, Some circles? What color for the background?

If we choose the segmented blank, do we want the field to be in Columns like #1 or "Brick" like #2? Do we want to have veneer between the pieces like 1+ or 2+, or just the wood segments up against each other? The one benefit to the veneers is that it lets us sneak in one more kind of wood. The downside is that the blank becomes even more unstable than it already is. This will definitely be a challenge to turn in either case. Who feels up to the task? :eek:

OK, let the discussions begin!!



  • IAP-collaboration-ideas-2009.jpg
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Wonderful post. Thanks for your thoughts! I really like what you've come up with, and I think the "native" versus "granola" (without the flakes) decision should rest with what woods look good together - maybe at the meeting we can lay them out and make a decision...?

I also concur with your thoughts on making a larger, 2-part pen. If they will suffice, I have a couple of Jr. Statesmen and Jr. Gents kits, but no full-size kits. I have no problem chipping in for a group collaboration kit, we can pass the hat at the mtg, but just typing this sentence has raised a question in my mind - who gets the pen when it's done? I'm thinking donating it would resolve a lot of potential fights. :rolleyes:

but just typing this sentence has raised a question in my mind - who gets the pen when it's done? I'm thinking donating it would resolve a lot of potential fights. :rolleyes:


Since we have a couple of Type-1 Diabetics in the group how about we auction it off to raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation? We could stick it on Ebay with a long auction and then advertise it around.

Great ideas. Personally, I like the segmented columns with veneer in between. That's easy for me to say since it is way over my skill level. I do agree with the large 2 piece kit. I have a couple of Havana kits and a couple of full size gent. I would be happy to donate one of those for the pen since I don't have much in the way of wood.

I fully agree with the auction and donation to whatever cause people want. My wife is a school nurse and deals with diabetic kids, so that is great with me.

Daniel, we can't look at woods at the meeting because the meeting is scheduled for AFTER the pen is due.

If we have some ideas we could certainly get pictures of the woods and post them.
I like the brick shape and think the veneer type assembly would add some amazing colour contrast. kind of a tye-dye look.:biggrin:
I'm all for the auction and donation to the diabetes org.
I don't have any large kits, trying to save up my $$$$ to buy a couple.
my work situation has changed, and I'm trying to adjust to the new schedule of working 40+ hours a week again. my time is limited.
Greg and Jay, you guys are awesome and have put together some great ideas. THANKS.
let me know what you need me to help with and I'll make time for this great cause.
I like the idea of segmented woods. I also like the idea of fruits and nuts, sort of like the group. ... I can only speak for myself. Let me know if you need any wood.
Hmmmm things are moving slowly and I'm starting to get nervous about getting it done in time.

So far everyone agrees on segmented with veneer so the I think the "Ginsu" is out. We have one vote for columns and one vote for bricks. Any other votes?

If you have woods listed in the list above, feel free to get a blank or two to me or Jay and we will use them in the assembly. You can email me for my address or drop them buy WoodCraft for Jay or I to pick up. What ever is easier.

If anyone would like to come and make a mini-get-together to actually make the blank that would be a fun way to get more people involved.

Ken, I think the full size Gent would be the way to go for this (especially if it is a Fountain Pen). I think the Havana has more "kit" and less blank which isn't what we want here. Thank you for your most generous offer!! Now, where do we send it?

Who's up for turning this bad boy?

Who's our finisher?

Any one willing/able to make a box?

As for photography, as I said, I'm happy to do it but I will have already done parts of the pen and we do have pro photographers in the group. Anyone else want to do it to spread the joy and increase the diameter of the collaboration?

I may be able to get up there on Saturday, it is a 3 hour drive if anybody wants to carpool. I would really like to see how the lamination and veneer is done. I have some california olive and walnut that is very unspectacular.

Unfortunately this Sat won't work for me. We have guests coming. And next weekend is Valentine's Day (no biggie) and my anniversary (biggie). Sunday? Or any time during the week for any of you as unlucky as me and unemployed.

Sounds like a segmenting demo for the get together is in order.
This Saturday won't work for me, either, my wife went into early labor today. :biggrin: Because of this wonderful fact, I don't feel comfortable volunteering for anything. We have no idea exactly when the future turner will arrive, at this point it could be hours or days.

I have apple and plum blanks, if nobody's decided to donate one, just PM me an address and I'll get it out ASAP. I also have a black olive blank, but don't know the origin! (I actually feel bad that I don't have enough blanks, but most of mine are spalted and wouldn't work with this sort of pen, unfortunately!)

Also, I vote brick, but I also don't have to turn it... :rolleyes:

I have to work on Saturday till 4:00 PM so it would have to be late and I don't have a schdule for next week yet.
Jay, Dave Ratto, and I are getting together at my house tomorrow evening after Jay gets off of work. Anyone else is welcome to join us too, if they want. Hopefully we will have a completed blank by the end of the evening.

Excellent. I wish I could be there. Will you post pic? Did you decide on bricks or columns? I'm sure either will be great. If you pm an address, I will get mail the gent kit so at least they will be together. Any planned turning date? If it is a weekend, I can probably arrange to be there.

I think we may go for the simpler columns design. But we will play it by ear tomorrow.
We will definitely post a pic of the blank when done. And probably some of the process too.

In theory, if we three make the blank then someone else should be turning it. But we are running short on time so we may just go ahead and turn it too. Depends on timing and if someone else steps forward to do it.

Ken, I'll PM you my address momentarily.
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Wow! Daniel, I hope all is well with the family.

Sounds good Greg. I wish I would have checked in sooner. I might have been able to going you guys.
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