Bad start?

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Dec 3, 2008
Atlanta , Georgia, 30041
Hi, have just had the worst introduction that anyone can wish for.:eek:

Allow me to introduce myself.

I was born ( 1968 ) in South Africa and became a Proud Citizen (by Choice) of the USA on June 14 2008.

I have a beautiful wife with two girls ages nine and three and a third one is due beginning of March 2009.
I am an entrepreneur and I love create things with simplicity yet beautiful.
My work is always perfect but my workshop is most of the time a mess.
I think I can definitely say that I create beauty out of chaos

I have been doing laser work for three years now and doing most of my work in Atlanta but also sell on the Internet.
The laser is mostly used for very custom oriented work.
I hope people would accept my apologies for a bad start but I am pretty sure it can only get better from here.:biggrin:

Kind Regards

Constant Laubscher
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Welcome to the site. Looking forward to getting to know you better. There are a lot of good people on this site and a lot of different oppinions. That is part of what makes this site so educational.
Hello Constant,

I'm glad you introduced yourself. Hopefully, you become an active member and we can switch this from a bad start to a good partnership (I think there is alot that we could learn from you as well as alot you could learn here too.)

I look forward to your contributions to this great community.

Please post some of your copper work in the "other things we make" forum.

Please update your profile to include your website.
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Ja Boet, Howzit:biggrin:

One of the great things about this site is that you will always have more friends than enemas.:)

Now that jou is 'n a proper 'merikan met 'n dompas en alles, I hope you are teaching them to play proper rugby:cool:

Welcome to the INTERNATIONAL Ass. of Penturners:wink:
Welcome Constant! We are not all opinionated jerks! There are some great folks on this site and from what I have seen of your work I would be happy to learn from you and see what you have to share...
Please stick around again great site and most of us are really good people with huge hearts and a great place to see what other artists like yourself are doing...
Welcome Constant, Glad you decided to stick around. Your work sounds interesting I will keep my eye out for it.
Many of the worlds finest were born in 1968:biggrin:

LOL, Johnny, you gotta be kidding me!!!!! Celine Dion and Will Smith? is that the best you can do?:tongue:

Try 1961 !!!!
Barack Obama, Wynton Marsalis and me!!!! Just for starters:biggrin:
Unfortunetely we had our fair share of idiots like Boy George, but with a bit of luck he will be keeping OJ company:cool:
LOL, Johnny, you gotta be kidding me!!!!! Celine Dion and Will Smith? is that the best you can do?:tongue:

Try 1961 !!!!
Barack Obama, Wynton Marsalis and me!!!! Just for starters:biggrin:
Unfortunetely we had our fair share of idiots like Boy George, but with a bit of luck he will be keeping OJ company:cool:

Well,Skip,how about a few from '68 that won't make most folks cover their
ears? I know that's a matter of opinion,but hey it's all mine!:biggrin:
..Kenny Chesney,Owen Wilson,Patricia Arquette,Jorja Fox,Rachel Ray!

Oh,and for pure disgustment..
I'll see your Boy George with one Vanilla Ice!,
and raise you one Crazy Cabbie:(never seen him before,but this pic will make you puke!!)
How ya like them apples!???:tongue:
Constant, one thing to remember about the pen sites (two of them more than others) is that people like to see credit going to where it's deserved. So, sometimes we jump up and try to defend one of our own, whether we know if it's needed or not. Sometimes we're a 'shoot first ask questions later' kind of bunch, with the best intentions. I'm sure as you grow to be one of the group, you'll be afforded the same more-heart-than-brains call to arms.

Welcome, I don't know how everything shook out with the other thread, but I hope it came to a good resolution.
Welcome Constant. I had to go find the other threads to see what all the fuss was about. I started reading it but it just gave me a headache. I'm glad you stayed and I really believe you will be glad also once you get to know the people here.
Welcome aboard. It's too bad this wasn't your first post but we're glad you were able to look past some of our faults and stick it out.
welcome aboard, lots of folks just kind of sneak in the back door! I would have to say you have had one of the loudest intros ever! (I need one of the music pens!)
Constant; I too am glad you didn't leave the group, There are a few that jump up in arms and show their short comings, but for the most part, this is one of the finest groups on the internet. Glad every thing got settled, I like your copper work, it's beautiful.
Oh, and make sure to visit the SouthEast forum. We're going to have a meeting in your neck of the woods in a few months. You gosta come! My wife will be coming, without the kids, so she's looking for more women to show, let the wife know!
Welcome to the group: I was impressed by the work displayed on your website and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work posted on the forum.

I am also embarrassed by the bullies and other insecure people on this website who went on the attack, and glad to see you are the bigger person.
Welcome Constant . In defense of the wolf pack that welcomed you earlier , in allot of ways this group is like a large (sometime dysfunctional) family and as such we tend to be defensive of each other and will not hesitate to come to the aid of any member who we might think is being hurt in some way .
The people here are some of the kindest people I have ever had the honor to know and have shown this caring on many occasions . Anytime someone is in trouble the people here have come to their aid with whatever support that was needed to help them out .
I'm sure you will find these things out about us after you've been here awhile .
Welcome Conatant,
I was a bit of a lout in my response to your initial post and for that I would like to apologize. I was being over-zealous and hasty in trying to defend intellectual rights that no one ask me to defend to begin with. I'm pleased that you have joined this forum and I'll commit to a little more restraints in the future.
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