update on boy scout eagle project/fund raising

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Feb 23, 2006
Bloomington, Illinois, USA.
Hello eveyrone,

Originally, I posted about my son's Eagle Project for boy scouts at this thread:


I know he has contacted everyone who sent pen kits. If you did NOT hear back from him, let me know immediately!!! Either kits were not received, or we screwed up. I'm sure he will be writing to everyone again. In the meantime, here is an update.

We are truly amazed and astounded that so many people sent so much to Peter for the crafts show. He received over 35 pen kits and a lot of really nice pen blanks - which he emphatically told me he was instructed not to share (eg. - a rosewood burl - and the donor knows who they are :wink:). By the way - those of you who donated completed pens - they all sold out fast. You guys are good - very good. More on that later in this message.

We began receiving these kits about 2 weeks prior to the crafts show, so, naturally, he was only able to make 15 or so pens prior to the big day. Hold on you say - what about all the other kits???? Not to worry. Peter was able to secure permission from both his church and the principle at his high school to sell pens between church services and at lunch for the fund raising. So they are still being made and will be sold until the materials are paid for.

The crafts show:

Well - the economy is clearly affecting sales. Last year, I sold a ton of bird house ornaments, many pens, and a a few other things - all to the tune of over $1000. This year, I cleared $450, but it was slow going the whole day.

On the other hand, Peter's pens were a big hit. He sold three times as many pens as I did. I think this is for a couple of reasons - 1) he could sell them less expensively than I could because all the materials were donated; 2) he had a poster up describing that the sales were for fund raising for his Eagle Scout project; 3) students and parents would rather support a kid than me!!!! :biggrin: As mentioned earlier, the pre-made pens donated went very fast. In fact, they were the first to go. This proves to me that there is talent out there - and the talent doesn't even have to be present to be recognized!

His pens cleared nearly $200 - and he sold about 2/3 of those he had out on the table. I know he was VERY happy. Along with his other fund raising, he has passed the half way point in paying for all the materials.

With the $ earned so far and some of the donated materials (4X4s, 2X10s, and cemenet for the basic frame of the lean-to) we begin clearing and building this Saturday at the Girl Scout Camp. Sara and I will be fronting the rest of the supplies as Peter continues to fund-raise and pay us back (required by December 15 - his birthday and the red-letter day for achieving Eagle).

We will continue to update you all as to how this goes. In the meaintime, THANK YOU IAP MEMBERS for your generosity and support!

Best wishes,
Roger Garrett
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Update for Saturday, November 9:

We should have pictures soon. Yesterday (Saturday), the current wood pile was moved, the weird supports and different odds and ends that were holding the majority of the wood off of the ground (fire pit grate, fork lift pallets, chicken wire!!, etc.), the ground cleared, and we staked out the structure. The post holes were dug (10 of them (this took a couple of hours). Then we put the 4 X 4 posts in - with cement. Because of the slope of ground (not level) and getting everything square, this took most of the afternoon. We laid out the 2 X 10 frame work and joists, and that will go in first thing this morning. Then decking will go on while others put the 2X4 frame up on top for the tin roof. As soon as the frame is up, we can begin putting up fencing for the sides and back. Maybe we will get it done today - keep your fingers crossed!

Roger Garrett
Project completed! Pictures

Here are two pictures. The first is how we finished Day 1 (Saturday). The second is Peter in front of the completed wood shed/storage unit next to the campfire.

We are tired, sweaty, sore, and need to eat - so I will put up more pictures as we get to it. Anyway - thanks again. Please refer to the pictures at the first post (referenced at the beginning of this thread) to see the difference.

Roger Garrett


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a couple more pictures

Some more pictures:

Framing it up, decking and siding, and attaching the roof.

Thanks for the comments!



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From another Eagle, Congrats!


Ok - next update.

Peter has been making pens all week, and today he sold between services at our church (in tandem with the other groups that were also selling items for raising money for various things). He had $375 left to raise, and today he sold a wee bit over $200. In fact, except for one fountain pen and one slimline (that had a defective refill), he sold out every pen he had. Of great interest was the chrome cigar he made with wormy spalted white oak he was sent by someone, and another made from the cross cut oak. He blew out one blank of that stuff before figuring out how to turn it. The ambrosia maple someone sent was also was a big hit (those of you who donated blanks know who sent what!). He is saving the Rosewood Burl for a special pen - as per instructions from one donor - and he hid the blank from me (smart kid). I think he will make his last fountain pen with that piece.

So - he continues to do well and we are grateful for the assistance you folks provided. Really - we had no idea how he might fund raise beyond going to businesses and former Eagle Scouts for donations. The pens have really been the lion's share of the fund raising. To quote one of my favorite movies, "I would rather spend time with all of you then the greatest people in the world!"

Roger Garrett
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