Boy Scout Eagle Project - IAP members help?

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Feb 23, 2006
Bloomington, Illinois, USA.
If I have posted in the wrong forum area, please advise!

Generally, when it comes to fund raising and all the things associated with it, I run as fast as I can the other way. I'm a sucker for any kid who comes to the door and is selling candy, popcorn, carwash coupons, helium for balloons (ok, I made that one up) or anything else to support the local school program, baseball team, soccer team, basketball team, swim team, church(es), etc.......... I tend to hide in a closet because if I answer the door, they get a $5 bill and I have to explain it later.

Having said all of this, my youngest son (age 17) only has his Eagle Project left between Life Scout and the deadline December 15 (his 18th birthday) to achieve Eagle Scout status. His project is for the local Girl Scout Camp. Gradually, Troop 19 has been rebuilding their camp bit by bit. New Garbage area with gate, new fencing, scraped and painted barn, etc. Peter's project will have to do with replacing the run down, beat up lean-to used to house all the firewood for their campfire area. His design requires that he bury 10 4X4s, build a framework, and create a really nice wood storage bin that is 8 X 30 feet long/wide and 6 feet tall. It will be covered by tin roofing. A few businesses are providing materials at cost, and we have all the tools, bodies, and plans necessary to build the project, but we need to raise $950 for materials. This is where the IAP might be able to help.

We are NOT asking for donations of money. Rather, Peter, who has been fairly active in making pens for the past year (has purchased kits and either sold or given away pens as gifts) will use this next month or so to create pens to sell at the Bloomington High School Crafts show this year. I go every year, and I suggested that he spend time in the shop creating as many slimlines, cigars, and Sierras as possible. I donated 5 slimlines, 2 cigars and a really nice Sierra (blk ti/gold) for him to use, and I have given him access to all the blanks in my shop (with prior approval - I can't have him making a slimline from a 7/8 Amboyna Burl or jumbo Desert Ironwood Burl). He can then sell it for less than I sell mine (undercut!) at the show - and see where he gets. He also has permission to sell them at his school around Thanksgiving for Christmas presents and such.

So - if anyone is interested in helping out, and you would like to send one or two of the above mentioned kits (slimline, sierra, or cigar) to Peter to make kits from, please let me know. If you have a nice pen blank you would like to donate, that might be nice also. However - the primary cost of making the pens at this point is the cost of purchasing kits.

I envision creating a plaque to put on the bin that will list every company or person who donates to the project. At this point, I would lump all people who contribute pen kits into one group and credit the International Association of Penturners.

I'm attaching a picture of the current woodp storage area and the "blueprint" Peter drew for the new bin. It has all been approved - we now just need to do the fund raising for the materials.

Anyone interested?

Best wishes,
Roger Garrett


  • new wood bin.jpg
    new wood bin.jpg
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  • current wood pile best.jpg
    current wood pile best.jpg
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Eagle Project


Being an eagle scout and Asst. Scoutmaster myself, I will be more than happy to help out. Please send me an email with the information on where to send it, and I will be happy to make a few. Not sure how many, but I will help.

Has your son been to Philmont yet? I hope so, it was a life changing experience for me. Every summer our troop(1605 in Oak Lawn, IL) goes to Owasappie Scout Reservation just north of Muskegonm, MI. A very nice camp.

Tell your son good luck on his eagle project, and if he needs additional assistance, feel free to contact me.

Question: You mention sending kits...what about sending completed pens?
Or do you prefer that all pens be made by your son?

Being an eagle scout and Asst. Scoutmaster myself, I will be more than happy to help out. Please send me an email with the information on where to send it, and I will be happy to make a few. Not sure how many, but I will help.

Has your son been to Philmont yet? I hope so, it was a life changing experience for me. Every summer our troop(1605 in Oak Lawn, IL) goes to Owasappie Scout Reservation just north of Muskegonm, MI. A very nice camp.

Tell your son good luck on his eagle project, and if he needs additional assistance, feel free to contact me.


Hi Dan,

Thanks for sending some kits. Peter will be very appreciative - and I am quite sure he will contact you personally.

He didn't get to go to on the Philmont trip this past summer - he was attending Interlochen Arts Academy summer session for six weeks. It was a tough choice - he of course wanted to do both, but we couldn't afford it all. He had earned a scholarship to Interlochen that paid most of the way, so he ultimately chose that route.

My oldest son, Phil, is an Eagle Scout, and he not only went to Philmont, he went on two "High Adventures" - one which was to Canada where they flew into a very desolate region and portaged their canoes the entire 10 days. He had to fund raise to go on that trip. Scouting has been instrumental in helping to develop both these young men - and I'm very proud of their accomplishments.

I'll PM you with details - but in the meantime - thanks again!

completed pens.....good idea.

Question: You mention sending kits...what about sending completed pens?
Or do you prefer that all pens be made by your son?

I hadn't thought of this - I didn't want anyone to spend too much time or $ helping support - every little bit is just find. However, if you want to send completed pens, perhaps within a gift box (?) and perhaps a business card with your personal information, I think it would be a great idea. In this way, it would already be made by a top craftsman, and it will get your name and information out to whoever purchases it. If this is something you would rather do, I can promise you that it will be presented as your pen - not Peter's - and it will only be used towards the fund raising. Remember, he will be selling below my prices, so it may not reflect the value of your work and efforts. (eg. a Slimline might go for $20 from me, but he might sell it for $12-14).

Whatever you send - many thanks in advance.

Did he try contacting ArizSilhouettes and or a local woodcraft and or craft supply? I bet he could get some donations from them.
Did he try contacting ArizSilhouettes and or a local woodcraft and or craft supply? I bet he could get some donations from them.

Hi Greg,

I thought about that. He will probably contact the Peoria Woodcraft store - we shop there a lot, and some of the businesses he has or will be contacting are like Woodcraft and AS. We may try it - but we also want to keep things local if possible (although the IAP isn't really local!).

I have heard from several very generous people so far - and to be honest, I had no idea how many people from this group were scouts, Eagle Scouts, and even Scoutmasters! Wow!

Thanks so far everyone. Peter is home tonight at 11 PM and will be somewhat taken aback by the response I'm sure.

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