Pass It Forward Serial Trade

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Jan 31, 2008
Oak Leaf, TX, USA.
Pass It Forward Serial Trade - Closed - Look for New Post

Sign Up is Closed - Look for New Post Here:

Hello all,

How about a serial trade? No, not Fruit Loops (unless they are cast in your pen blank). But rather a trade that starts with one person and moves around to several others with each person taking/adding to the box.

There are several versions of this that have been done (or may currently be going on right now). However, this one has a few minor twists.

To start with, it's a fund raiser in disguise. Shhh - keep it a secret.

Secondly, its all about your best - not your most! (More details below).

So, read over the info below and I hope to see a lot of you sign up!

Pass It Forward
The basic premise of this multi-participant serial trade is to raise a little cash for IAP as well as give folks a chance to share some of their "best" with other members of the organization. To that end, there are a few "rules" that we are going to ask all the participants to make sure they adhere to. Please read through the entire program and make sure you are willing to adhere to all of the "rules".

1) Participation is open to all members (US & International).
a. If you are concerned about shipping to/from the US, please let me know in your PM and I will strive to accommodate you.
b. If you would like to volunteer to be an International shipper, please let me know in your PM and I will be happy to accommodate.

2) The cost to participate is $5.00 (US). This will be paid to me via PayPal and I will coordinate with Cav to account for all payments and get them to IAP.

3) A small flat rate box will be used for shipping. We need to keep it to this size of box. Please do not increase the size of box. Your generosity is appreciated in advance, but we want to control the shipping costs for all participants. Also, the focus is quality of items over quantity.

4) Once I have the full list, I will post that the trade is going to start and ship out the first box to the first person on the list. I will also PM that person to let them know it is on its way as well as who they are to ship to.

5) Once you receive the PM that the box is being shipped to you, please PM me to get who you are to ship to as well as return the PM to the person who notified you they have the box and that you are next on the list.

6) If the current box holder and/or I do not receive a reply with in 2 business days of the PM notification, we will skip that person and go to the next. I will work with the box holder on this should it occur.

7) Once the current box holder and/or I receive confirmation from the next person – the box holder will have
2 business days to ship the box and should follow up with a post to the thread when it is shipped out.

8) Feel free to take any and/or all of the items for yourself. However, you will need to ship a full small flat rate box out to the next person and the quality of items should equal or exceed those you take. Any pen related items can be included in the box. This includes blanks (natural or man-made), kits, small tools/jigs, etc. As long as it will fit in the box – it can be included.

9) The sign up period will last for one week starting Thursday March 11th and go till the end of the day Wednesday March 17th. At that time, I will need a little bit of time to put together the shipping order and process the donations to IAP.

10) Feel free to PM me with any questions.

11)To participate, please do the following:
a. Post to the this thread that you are interested.
b. PM me with your full name and shipping address. Don't forget to include whether or not you are willing to ship International.
c. If you have a particular preference of your order (beginning, middle, end) of the trade order – feel free to let me know and I will try to accommodate. Bribes will be accepted.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

Brian Henson
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Sign me up as well. Although when I first read the details I thought you said $500, lol.

I'm sure Jeff would be more than happy to accept a $500 donation from you. :) Or, you could just send it in cash to me. I promise I will get it to Jeff. ;-)

Seriously - thanks for signing up!

Well, since we just had a baby a seven weeks ago, I figure that it might be a while before I even SEE $500, other than to send it out for medical bills, lol. Maybe the next feller that reads it'll send you the $500. :biggrin::biggrin:
With two boys in the house here - I haven't seen $500 other than in passing (from my hand to the grocer, dentist, grocer, doctor, grocer, cloths store, grocer, & did I mention that they EAT?).

So, I won't hold my breath. :) Take care and Congrats!
With my son we can go to the grocery store and spend 300 dollars easy on a weeks worth of food. While we are unloading the car he will ask for money to go eat. He gets me. He will make a snack so he can go out to eat. LOL

It needs to be related to the art of making pens. So, that can be something handmade (tool, custom clip, custom band, etc).

That answer you question?


Thanks to everyone for their responses.

Just to clarify a few things:

The items that should be included once it becomes your turn to pass it on should be pen making related. That can include blanks of any type, kits, custom parts, specialty tools (bought or made by you), specialty finishes, etc. As long as it is some how related to making pens - its in.

This is an opportunity for you to share something that you have or use as well as get an opportunity to benefit from someone else.

This is very much about quality over quantity. So it is absolutely imperative that we keep it to what will fit into a small flat rate box.

This event has been reviewed, edited, and approved by Cav with significant input from other members who have ran these kinds of events before. Hopefully, we trapped the best of those before.

Thanks again for all of the interest!

Just a quick update:

15 signed up so far.

I'll post over the weekend with a list of those signed up and an update on paid/unpaid.

Also, I've been made aware of some issues in the past with Paypal. So far no issues, if that changes I'll post something here.

Thanks for everyone's interest - I think this going to really be a cool trade!

Take care,

I will have to get conformation from HWMBO. but it sounds great. I might have to not take anything out the box. My quality stuff isn't nearly as high as everyone elses. But i do have a few blanks.....hmmm

Just as a reminder, all the details on how to join the trade are listed in the very first post. If anything is unclear - please PM me with your question and I will answer as soon as possible.

Sign up is still going on and will end on Wednesday (3/17) at midnight.

I will need a little time to organize the order in which the trades will occur an will contact the first person with in a week to let them know to expect the box and make sure they are still participating.

I won't be posting the list in terms of order, however I will post a total list of participants (again - not in any sort of order).

There will be a new thread solely for the tracking and posting of pictures (by the box receiver) once the trade gets started.

As of now, we have 19 participants and 16 are paid. Here is the list of participant:

TXPhi67 - Me:cool:
dow - pd
Phunky_2003 - pd
Joe Pierce - pd
Pioneerpens - pd
Hunter-27 - not pd
altaciii - pd
tbfoto - pd
ken69912001 - pd
JohnU - not pd
bobskio - pd
mvaldez - pd
mbroderg - pd
Oldwagon - payment in progress
Brooks803 - pd
meucci2009 - pd
1080Wayne - pd
nava1uni - pd
Glenn McCullough - pd
RyanNJ - not pd

If you don't see your name on the list and want to participate - pm me.
If you have paid, but see your status as "not pd" - pm me.
If you any questions - pm me.
If you are bored - start working on your box items. :biggrin:

Take care and looking forward to getting the trade started!

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What would be good items? or what is everyone else planning on adding to the box

Also are we shipping in the same box the whole time or when we ship it out we sending it in a new box
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In general - you only have to replace if you take something. It should be of equal or better quality and is to be associated with pen making in some way.

Other than that - it just needs to fit in the box. :)

If you can re-use the box, feel free to do so. I don't think USPS will let you - so its probably best to just go ahead and pick up a small flat rate box and have it ready. You can get them from your local Post Office, or even order them from the USPS website. The boxes are free as you only pay when you ship it. They will even deliver the boxes at no cost.

I keep a small stock on hand as its just easier than going to the Post Office to pick it up.
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