Cartridge Pen Contest Thread

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
This thread is ONLY for the posting of photos of your entry in the cartridge pen contest. Once you have posted your entry, you can trash talk the other entries. NO NPGJ posts will be allowed in this thread. I will be in this forum daily, and will delete any posts other than photos of your entry and trash talking between contestants. Refer to the Red, White and Blue Thread for rules. Entries will be accepted from July 1 until July 31. Let's see your best work!!
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This is going to be too easy I see. Heck..I'll just post this little tracer round I made this morning! Should at least help some of the little girls to stay home. :biggrin: heck..maybe I won't have to finish my WMD.
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This thread is ONLY for the posting of photos of your entry in the cartridge pen contest. Once you have posted your entry, you can trash talk the other entries. NO NPGJ posts will be allowed in this thread. I will be in this forum daily, and will delete any posts other than photos of your entry and trash talking between contestants. Refer to the Red, White and Blue Thread for rules. Entries will be accepted from July 1 until July 31. Let's see your best work!!
You heard the man!
Ok, I'll be the first to flex some muscles here. Raise the bar a bit, I think anyhow. I present to you.... " Apache"

Scrolled Apache Chief in Cherry Burl, and a carved feather in the pen section. It uses more than one cartridge end section, and one 3/4 long front section. The threads are welded on. One of the new nib sections from Lou, the smaller of the two choices he is offering now. And I built my own clip to represent an Indian arrow. Special thanks to the Captain for helping me with my threading situation.



Is this yours Kemo Sabe?




1. Extra points for posting on the 4th of July!
2. Point deductions for futher engraved casings.​

Design challenges:​

Finding a chuck that would tighten on a .7mm drill bit.
Consistent engraving on a tapered surface.​
Here is a picture of something I did so I can get in a lot of trash talk before I put in my real entry 30-06 cartridge with bullet nib and top barrel made from scrap Red Whit and Blue corian No point in wasting good material to trump the stuff already up here.



Jeff get Autumn to show you how to make a nice pen!!

Bruce, good thing that's a practice pen!
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I'm just posting this to enter for now. It is just a basic cartridge to get me in and I will do something a little different for my entry pen. I think all of the pens I have seen so far look pretty good, the trash talk isn't something I'm going to get into. You all know where I'm sending my pens after the contest.


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What's the red Neil? is it punky antler that was cast in resin?
Jeff, this stuff was the softest antler I had ever seen. It was almost 2" in diameter and was falling apart when I touched it. The red is in there naturally, bit the antler is stabilized with Ultraseal and then some CA to fill in the bigger gaps.
Here's my first. The blue didnt show up as much as I wanted in the red/white/blue top. It's made from a .300 wsm with a rifle clip for good measure.


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Surly you jest? I thought there was supposed to be something covering the top tube, did you run out of material or ideas

Yes, I just thought about using Red, White and blue corian to cover the upper brass tube for a split second then realized there was no brass tube in there. :rotfl:

Is this yours Kemo Sabe?

No, that's my wrench for repairing my IKEA furniture.

Bold entry right. It might work as a wrench, I use it as a clicker on my entry. Furnitue repairman trumps rule maker/pen maker every time. :giggle:
Jeesh, I thought you guys said these casing things were difficult to do:confused::rolleyes::biggrin:
It's too late for me to use my lathe and finish the cap tonight, so here is the main bit. It's a fully functional pen anyway and so I think it qualifies already:confused:
I'll do the cap tomorrow.

This is my first casing pen so don't be too cruel:biggrin:

Hey Jeff, you aren't going to change the rules and swap either of yours for something decent are you???:biggrin:

EDIT: OK, Cap done:tongue:


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It looks really good Steve. Did you have to do any hand sanding in any spots to flush it with the top of the bullet, or did you luck into a perfectly round bullet? I like your cap transition. Not having the equipment, I started with brass pipe fittings. I bored one out and trimmed it to fit the neck and that worked out great. But then I had to try and use the nut for the cap section and that did not work out so good! That's why I had to go outside and get a bit of help. There's just not enough wall thickness on a brass plumbing nut and I couldn't get it to spin round, so I just kept removing too much on one side, revealing the threads on one side. I cursed a lot! I tried mounting just a nut, and I tried it with a threaded rod inside..either way I couldn't get it.

And no..I won't change any rules. I suggested what I wanted to do, Cav laid it out. What it is is what it is, I'm good with that. As challenging as this was for me, I quite enjoyed it. I like challenging myself. Working with casings is very challenging for most of us. That's one of the biggest reasons I wanted to have the challenge. People should build and enter, regardless whether their pen is just a bullet and a top section or they can go beyond. Since I know several will be watching, well like Neil, you don't have to have a smack down. If you post a pen and someone smacks on it..just ignore it and don't smack back then people will not continue about you..even though it's really all just in fun anyhow guys/gals.
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It's a fully functional pen anyway and so I think it qualifies already:confused:

Does't look like it qualifies to me. I only see about 1/3 of the required first 3/4 of the casing. It will not qualify unless the cap contain at least 2/3 of three quarters. No talking smack until you qualify!!

Same issue with the 300 thing.
Jeff, Ed and Dawn sent me quite a few, but none were as bad as I'd heard about. But to make sure it was round and true where the bullet goes in here's what I did..
As the casing has a bit of a taper to it, I just stuck a layer of tape on the narrow end. Then chucked it snug on the headstock. Sprayed some WD40 and then slowly drove the dead centre on the tailstock into it. Seemed to work fine, but honestly, they weren't too bad to start with.

I'm sure others have noticed this, but I found that even though the outside was tapered, the inside hole seemed parallel all the way down.
I believe that there is actually enough brass there to turn the outside down parallel too if needed.

PS, thanks for hosting this :biggrin: I think we will see some really cool stuff before this comp is over if what has already been shown is anything to go by:eek:
Does't look like it qualifies to me. I only see about 1/3 of the required first 3/4 of the casing. It will not qualify unless the cap contain at least 2/3 of three quarters. No talking smack until you qualify!!

Same issue with the 300 thing.

I believe that the rules state 3/4 INCH not 3/4 of the entire casing:wink:
Excuse me fellas, but a rookie has entered the house:cowboy: No outside help for me, just grunt work. And yes these casing are a pain in the butt.......but here is what I came up with.......I made the top out of wood, being that there are many species, I wanted the wood to represent the many ethnic groups that are American. The 4 stars represent the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines(made those myself). The Silver Star on top represents the Unknown Soldier and the sacrifice of the many who gave their lives so that we can live in a free nation!! And celtic knot represents unity(first one I ever made)........Now, I see that you expert pen makers have done some really nice work, but don't think you guys will pull this one off, using outside help and freebies from vendors and such:rolleyes:. So, Jeff if you need my mailing address for that BIG prize, just pm me!:biggrin: Kinda if I need to say I'm a NOOB!!


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Bob, I think you did a nice job with that, and put some thought into the meaning of the pieces involved.

Skip, I wouldn't expect anything less from you, great looking pen, I can't wait to see it with the cap.

I'm sure others have noticed this, but I found that even though the outside was tapered, the inside hole seemed parallel all the way down.
I believe that there is actually enough brass there to turn the outside down parallel too if needed.
I have tried to turn it parallel but it didn't happen for me, but you have some tools that I don't so it may work for you. I am hoping to have a metal lathe before the end of this month.
Thanks Neil. Way over my head doing something like this, but really kinda enjoyed the challenge. No match to what has been posted, but you gotta start somewhere!!
Bob, we all started in the same place you did. It takes time to develop certain skills and even longer to be comfortable with them. So far, I would say your doing pretty damn good.
I have tried to turn it parallel but it didn't happen for me, but you have some tools that I don't so it may work for you. I am hoping to have a metal lathe before the end of this month.

Hey Neil, you don't have a file or a block of wood with some emery paper??:confused::biggrin:
John you are correct, it's only a few days old and there are some pretty slick pens so far:eek:

Heck, it would have been cool if Jeff had chatted to Richard at PMG and the winner would have got automatic acceptance if not already a member:biggrin:
Last I checked, my name was on the PMG list :wink:

I'm not sure who's all donating prizes. I heard a rumor that second place prize was a pen from Steve/skiprat's collection. Fitting too, that his prize is second to mine. :biggrin:
Bob, that's really a great pen, nice theme and decent materials, I like the idea of the stars, it should make Chucks Ikea furniture tool fall a notch or three.
You guys with the mouths are all just pretenders:tongue:

My FIRST entry is complete and I swapped the previous pic to show the cap:biggrin:

I'll wait till the 'Man With All The Guns' shows his hand before attempting number 2:biggrin:
i missed the last comp so i will have a go at this one,just for the fun now a capped f/pen its been done and it looks really good a capped b/point or is that a r/ball Skip, it's very good so what's left!:confused::rolleyes:l'm not too sure right now.:bulgy-eyes::biggrin:
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You guys with the mouths are all just pretenders:tongue:

My FIRST entry is complete and I swapped the previous pic to show the cap:biggrin:

I'll wait till the 'Man With All The Guns' shows his hand before attempting number 2:biggrin:

Skip when he does, I think we all best put our stuff under the table, step back and shut up! gotta watch them gunslingers that carry head banging skull crushers, but maybe we'll get lucky and he'll sleep through this with a long cat nap.
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