To begin with this is just something that caught my attention a few minutes ago so isn't something that has me bent over in anguish. It's more of an observation and a question to get some other perspectives since it might just be that I am missing something.
Seems like the good ole days are gone on the forum. While some have always been tight lipped about sharing ideas, many have not and two years ago if someone posted about being stumped on a particular design several would post and help a fellow member out. Now it seems like so many are working on their "secret" blanks and so busy selling them to other members that they are reluctant to help another pen maker out when they try to make one themselves. Have we stopped being a band of kindred souls with common goals and interests sharing thoughts and ideas, seeing each other as perspective customers instead?
The post that caught my eye was in the advanced forum where a fellow asked about a herringbone design. The design doesn't appeal to me so I have never made one so can't offer anything but I have seen dozens over the past couple years, enough that surely one of the 200+ readers to his post has an idea how to make one of these blanks and yet no one has offered a thing.
So, am I overreacting to something that is of no consequence or does anyone else see this change in the forum?
Seems like the good ole days are gone on the forum. While some have always been tight lipped about sharing ideas, many have not and two years ago if someone posted about being stumped on a particular design several would post and help a fellow member out. Now it seems like so many are working on their "secret" blanks and so busy selling them to other members that they are reluctant to help another pen maker out when they try to make one themselves. Have we stopped being a band of kindred souls with common goals and interests sharing thoughts and ideas, seeing each other as perspective customers instead?
The post that caught my eye was in the advanced forum where a fellow asked about a herringbone design. The design doesn't appeal to me so I have never made one so can't offer anything but I have seen dozens over the past couple years, enough that surely one of the 200+ readers to his post has an idea how to make one of these blanks and yet no one has offered a thing.
So, am I overreacting to something that is of no consequence or does anyone else see this change in the forum?