Local Chapter Manager
Mike (WoodenDragon) has asked Dave (Ssajn) to grab the reins for a while, as Mike "learns the ropes" of being a "daddy". So, Dave is now attempting to get feedback from the members.
Current "leaning" is toward a meeting in August. But, it has been a while, so we need to know WHO is still going to come to a meeting--WHAT you would like to see done (Demo or "hands on" format) Generally, what is your preference for getting together??
The meetings (for those who don't know) are held in Milwaukee, less than five miles off the interstate on a Sunday. So, those in Illinois are invited, since there is currently no group assembled in Chicago area.
Weigh in here!!! Comments required!!
Current "leaning" is toward a meeting in August. But, it has been a while, so we need to know WHO is still going to come to a meeting--WHAT you would like to see done (Demo or "hands on" format) Generally, what is your preference for getting together??
The meetings (for those who don't know) are held in Milwaukee, less than five miles off the interstate on a Sunday. So, those in Illinois are invited, since there is currently no group assembled in Chicago area.
Weigh in here!!! Comments required!!