Activities Manager Emeritus
First off, NO POLITICS. This is to support the troops serving in harm's way.
Ken Ferrell (bitshird) is your point of contact for this activity.
Say folks isn't it about time we show our friends and family and strangers in the military how much we appreciate what they are doing? I know this crusty old leatherneck that has this thing about sending pens to service men and women, and he's already agreed to handle the delivery of some pens to our armed forces.
This is not connected to the pens for troops projects, this is just something that Neil "Wolftat" has done on a frequent basis,(please don't let it out that he's a nice guy)
It's not how good you are, how much you can spend on a kit, it's about showing we think about these people that are in truth defending our way of life.
I've cleared this with our esteemed dancing Leprechaun "Cav" and I guess he will arange where to post this,
Just reply to the appointed place with what you have, and I'll see that we get the pens to Wolftat' I think he will give us his shipping address when we respond to the post.
T hanks to every one that contributes, and if some would like to but can't afford it. I'm sure some of us can donate a kit or two and some blanks.
I would caution against sending any antler and Cartridge or cartridge pens in any form, I've heard some get to bring them back and some have to stay over seas.
Don't be embarrassed to ask for a bit of help, these are gifts that are coming from people that care,
Ken Ferrell
Ken Ferrell (bitshird) is your point of contact for this activity.
Say folks isn't it about time we show our friends and family and strangers in the military how much we appreciate what they are doing? I know this crusty old leatherneck that has this thing about sending pens to service men and women, and he's already agreed to handle the delivery of some pens to our armed forces.
This is not connected to the pens for troops projects, this is just something that Neil "Wolftat" has done on a frequent basis,(please don't let it out that he's a nice guy)
It's not how good you are, how much you can spend on a kit, it's about showing we think about these people that are in truth defending our way of life.
I've cleared this with our esteemed dancing Leprechaun "Cav" and I guess he will arange where to post this,
Just reply to the appointed place with what you have, and I'll see that we get the pens to Wolftat' I think he will give us his shipping address when we respond to the post.
T hanks to every one that contributes, and if some would like to but can't afford it. I'm sure some of us can donate a kit or two and some blanks.
I would caution against sending any antler and Cartridge or cartridge pens in any form, I've heard some get to bring them back and some have to stay over seas.
Don't be embarrassed to ask for a bit of help, these are gifts that are coming from people that care,
Ken Ferrell